Showing posts with label Car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Car. Show all posts

Tuesday 28 May 2013


As a child I was sent to the barber's every fortnight for a sixpenny (2.5p) short back and sides. Such training put me off barber's for life so that I haven't been in one of these places for decades as my long grey hair testifies. Still, as the guy on the bike shows, there's clearly still a demand to have one's hair cut back to the wood as they say.

Monday 20 May 2013

No Parking

Nobody cares any more if you park outside these doors on Wellington Street. The business has long gone with the opening of the new fruit market over in Hessle. Those fancy coloured cowlings peeking out at the back mark the restoration of Hull's last smoke house  ( a mere £133,000, since you ask ) part of the regeneration of the old fruit market area if we are to believe what it says in the paper.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Flash Drive

Came across this customised Chrysler Cruiser outside Holy Trinity Church the other day. Now I'm not much of a car person as I've mentioned before but this stands out from the well nigh ubiquitous silver-grey that manufacturers seem to offer. 

Monday 25 March 2013

The Yard

Tucked away on Vicar Lane at the back of King's Buildings I came across what appears to be a pub or a club called the Yard though I can find practically nothing about it on the web. I'm guessing it gets its name from the Grammar School Yard which is just behind the wall on the left or maybe it comes from being a back yard. Anyhow I just liked the imposing gateway which completely dominates the narrow lane.

Friday 22 February 2013

Old and new

So here we range from a 14th century church (the same church that appears in the header of this blog) through an early 1900's market tower with cupola to a 1970's car park and even newer offices. It might not but much of a view but when or if that 18 storey hotel goes up it will be lost and buildings that are,even if not attractive, at least on a human scale will be dwarfed.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Customer car park

Here's the car park underneath Tesco's supermarket in St Stephens. I took this while waiting for a taxi to take me and my shopping home. It's meant for customers of Tesco and it's free but don't stay more than two hours or they'll do you for £70! Last Xmas, the spirit of goodwill and peace to mankind was distinctly missing from this place with fisticuffs over parking places [ 1 ]. 

Wednesday 1 August 2012

So many numbers

Here's a welding shop on Clough Road and a fine collection of plates presumably from vehicles that didn't make it out of surgery.

This month's City Daily Photo theme is numbers. You can see what numbers others have added  at the Facebook page or here.

Monday 9 July 2012


One of the mainstays of Cottingham Day is the display of old ( I won't say vintage ) cars. Here are a few of those on show. I don't know much about cars, however I do recognise the Ford Consul as my dad had one back in the early, very early sixties, it was red as I recall. If you're into two-wheeled vehicles I have motorcycles lined up for tomorrow.

Saturday 7 August 2010

Alvis in Cottingham

This was taken on Cottingham Day a few weeks back. It was the usual village day with exhibitions of this and that, vintage cars, birds of prey, arts and crafts and so on. It would have been much better if they hadn't decided to fill the air with amplified "music"; why is there a craze to drown out any event with noise? I didn't stay long which is why this picture was taken by Margot Juby.