Friday 24 December 2010

Geese and Ducks

The water birds in Pearson Park are having a tough time in this cold weather. Whenever anyone passes by they mob around hoping for food, fortunately they usually get some bread to keep them going. The Canada geese can be particularly enthusiastic and will nip your fingers if you let them.

Thursday 23 December 2010


They say it's bad luck to change the name of ships and maybe the same applies to pubs. Here is what used to be the Mainbrace pub on Hull's Beverley Road. For many years it was a successful pub especially with the student crowd that use Beverley Road for pub crawls. Then about two years ago it was all change and it became the Fubar. I don't know what the reasons were but this pub is now closed and is in the process of becoming a block of flats and offices.
Find out what fubar means here; now you can see what an apt name it is.

Wednesday 22 December 2010


On a cold day the Victorian Conservatory in Pearson Park is a nice warm place to spend half an hour. George the iguana is a particularly colourful attraction. This picture may be a little misty, the humidity in this place is extreme.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Winter draws on

Despite a month of bitterly cold weather officially Winter only starts today. Last night it was -13C which is just a bit ridiculous but the local paper threatens us with  -20C, luckily the local paper is seldom right.

Monday 20 December 2010

An update

The building that I showed being built in August has now reached this state. I think it's due for completion in 2012. It's going to be an all in one health centre and social care place. It's lucky they got started before the cuts in public spending really begin to hit.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Saturday 18 December 2010