Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The view from the bank.

The newish Barclay's bank has wonderful blue reflective windows so I had to point the Fuji and click. That's the City Hall in the background.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Taking Liberties

Here's what's left of Pearson Park gates. They were put up in the 1860s when carriages had a horse or two in front of them and well-to-do folks lived in those town houses that line the approach. Now the horses and the money have gone.What you see here are the skeletal remains of a fine set of Victorian iron gates that once had fancy decorations on top and actual gates (see here). The gates went in the last war I'm guessing and the fancy decoration was rmoved by Hull council in a fit of health & safety vandalism and stupidity sometime in the 70s.

Now for a totally separate issue. It has come to my notice that the domain is using the RSS feed from this site and probably from other blogs to make virtually a direct copy only with their advertising. I don't mind people "borrowing" a picture or two but to copy the whole blog is taking liberties. I have reported these offenders to Blogger. If anyone finds their site has been used likewise I suggest they report the matter as well. The following message is for the owners of

אתר זה מוגן בזכויות יוצרים ואתה הפרת זכויות היוצרים שלי.  

Friday, 2 September 2011

The Sick Rose

O Rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,

Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.
William Blake
Across the road from the Bull is one of Hull's many closed pubs. This one has a history of attracting what can only be called a bohemian clientele, thieves, drunkards, imps, pimps and banjo players. Finally the landlords helped themselves to the takings. The observant will notice it is on the corner of Park Lane; this is one of Hull's little jokes, Mayfair is just up the road; as you can see it's more Old Kent Road.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Local Perspective

This is the West Bulls (is a bull theme developing here?) which is at the end of my street and which you might call my local if I ever went into such establishments.

Other perspectives are on view here.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

The Bull

The Bull sits on the corner of Stepney Lane and Beverley Road. Its a typical Victorian pub that has seen better days but somehow is managing to survive.

Monday, 29 August 2011


Funny how things can surround you without them being noticed. Take this pavement art; been sitting on the river front for nearly twenty years but I only noticed it the other day. It's part of a sculpture trail called 'The Seven Seas Fish Pavement' sponsored by a local fish oil processor. You can find more information here and some kind (possibly sad) soul has investigated the geology of the sculptures so for all you rock fans there's a link here.