Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Window Boxes

Every year the buffet at Bridlington station puts on a floral display and this year's effort is as good as ever. As you can see it's not an understated affair by any means.

If you're thinking this looks familiar I mentioned this in a post ages ago here.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The Weigh-in

Bridlington is holding a four day sea angling competition (Sep 10-14). An obvious attempt to attract trade at the end of season. I came across the weigh-in where many anglers queued up to have their catch weighed. Many had two or three  large cod and ling. It was a time of much jollity and banter as you might imagine. The poor chap who had nothing to weigh was the butt of many a coarse joke.

Monday, 10 September 2012

St Charles Borromeo, Jarret Street

The Catholic church of St Charles Borromeo on Jarret Street was opened in 1829. This is not the place to go into my views on the Catholic Church (as someone who was sent to a Catholic school and to church every Sunday believe me I could go on for some time) so I'll just say that this building is next to the brewery and is Grade 2 listed.
You'd probably never heard of Charles Borromeo and neither had I until today. Wikipedia has him as an architect of the counter-reformation and setting up seminaries for the education of priests. Quite how that makes him a saint I don't know, and frankly I don't care.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Riverside balconies

An old riverside warehouse has been converted into apartments with balconies overlooking the brown gloop of the river Hull and an unredeveloped wilderness on the far bank. So desirable.

There's more B&W fun at the Weekend in Black and White.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

In pursuit of the inedible

I was going to have a trip to Bridlington yesterday but events conspired to dash that plan, however here's a picture taken exactly two years ago. This couple seem intent on their fishing. I hope they didn't eat any of their catch as a nearby sign warns of the pollution of the harbour by sewage.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Dull and uninspiring

Hull folk of a certain age will know this as the Spencer Arms on Spencer Street. It had a  reputation as being not salubrious shall we say. After failing and reopening several times it ended up as Circus-Circus. The B.O.G.O.F (buy one get one free) notices on the door attest to a desperation to attract customers, effectively they pay you to enter! It did no good because whatever it was called and whatever offers made now it's shut permanently and even the plumbing has been taken out. 
The site was planned to be redeveloped as offices but in a move that was not lacking in irony the Planning Committee turned the plans down because they were too dull and uninspiring. Silly developers clearly didn't know that 'dull and uninspiring' can become 'exciting and futuristic' by the payment of a fee to the right person. (You didn't hear that from me).

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Big Black Box

I showed you this hotel while it was being built and it was still covered in scaffolding (here). Well here it is all opened up and ready for business. As for appearances whatever fee they paid the architect was too much; it's location however, at the junction of four main roads, makes good business sense.