Wednesday, 7 May 2014

River Traffic


You can go weeks without seeing anything moving on the old river then you get two barges together. Maybe they like to travel in pairs ...

Humber Princess

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Though the archway and beyond

This is the archway entrance to the old Trinity House school that has now moved to bigger premises across town.
Now then, this being the well ordered place that it is a row has broken out between Trinity House who own the building and the Council. TH want to knock down the red brick building you see in the background and turn the cleared area into a  car park! (Yes the cars would have to pass through this archway) Not to be outdone the Council have decided to make the street outside this place a pedestrian area, effectively putting the kibosh on TH's madcap little scheme and upsetting several other businesses in the process. The Council claims it wants to attract more people to use the Princes Dock side cafes but as the pedestrianisation is only in effect between 11am and 4pm it's not going to affect the evening/night trade and seems to be a quite perverse action. But, hey, it's not the first stupid thing the Council has done and I doubt it will be last.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Tide Turning

Close by the Minerva pub near Victoria Pier sits this cute little slate sculpture entitled 'Tide turning'. I must have passed it dozens of times and not really noticed it, so I guess you can call it unobtrusive. No doubt someone, some where knows who made it but I haven't been able to find out.  

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Toupée or not toupée ...

Should I be tempted to cover my balding pate do you think I should take to wearing a fluorescent toupée? It might brighten up my life, make me stand out out in a crowd ... I muse on this because not one but two shops selling gaudy wigs have sprung up in town. This, on Paragon Street,  had the larger and more colourful selection. Now the green or the pink? Choices, choices ...

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Land Train

As mentioned back in February Hull has a land train now up and running. For £4 (I'm assuming we're all adults here) you can ride the beast from Queen Victoria square through the old town all the way across the wide and beautiful river to the Deep and back again in a little over an hour. Or you could just walk it for nowt, as we say in these parts .... when I took this picture there did seem to be more staff than passengers but maybe trade will pick up.

I suppose I should tell you that this thing has a website, here, last time I looked though it was"under construction". Unless it actually runs me over or falls into the river I shan't be mentioning this again.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Round Square

Long, long ago Margot's parents came to Hull for her graduation ceremony in the City Hall. They stopped off for a meal in a Chinese restaurant, after their meal they asked the way to the City Hall and were told to go along the road until they came to the "round square". From that day forth Queen Victoria square has been known in these circles as the round square. Back then it had traffic circulating the regal urinals and did not look like a paved desert. We are told this space will feature prominently in the 2017 C of C thing; well that'll be fun then won't it....

CDP's Square theme is here.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

The Beauty of Curves

Bowlalley Lane
May day is traditionally a day of protest by workers against whatever it is workers don't like, usually low wages, the system, the bosses and the bourgeoisie and so on. Today's City Daily Photo first-day-of-the-month theme dictated to us without democratic choice is 'squares'. So in the spirit of the day and not to be cowed by the growing tyranny of theme days I give you this ornate entrance on Bowlalley Lane which is marred only by those two quite unnecessary quadrilaterals.

If you must seek squares you should look elsewhere.