Wednesday, 13 August 2014

House eating machine

I mentioned recently that Wellington House was due to be demolished well it seems that they've brought in a monster piece of kit to do the job. The nearby street is closed to traffic just in case the building falls before it's pushed.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Plane old trees

Now I'm feeling a bit old. I remember when these plane trees were put in as young saplings barely half the height of the buildings when King Edward Street was paved over in the early 90's to make a pedestrian paradise. I imagine some planner in an office somewhere said something along the lines of "we must have a little bit of greenery here stick in a few of those cheap little old plane trees, they'll do." Well now those ickle trees are bigger than the buildings and still growing, I've read they can get to nearly 100 feet so still some way to go yet.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Le vélo jaune

Bonjour from sunny Hull. The Tour de France, which finished recently in Paris, this year for some reason or other had its Grand Départ in Yorkshire. Cue lots of Yorkshire tourism advertising, lots of God's own county claptrap and so on and so forth. There can be few things more boring than a professional Yorkshire person gassing on about Yorkshire. Anyhoo this cycling shop not wanting to be left at the back of the peleton and not having any maillots jaunes simply sprayed up an old bike yellow. It does, however, have a red spotted shirt of the 'king of the mountains' which is kind of ironic given that Hull is flatter than a flat thing that's been flattened.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

A little bit of rain

Well the weatherfolk had been saying it was coming for nearly a week and sure enough old hurricane Bertha's soggy remains passed over this morning and early afternoon. Pretty impressive rain it was too, at times so hard you could barely see across the street, with thunder and a bit of lightning thrown in to add to the fun. But it's all over now ...

Spoke too soon it's started again ...

What's left of the weekend in black and white is here.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

World Cat Day

Yesterday was apparently World Cat Day so here's Bruiser the local tom and connoisseur of roast chicken's gristly bits. Go ahead make his day ...

Both pictures by Margot K Juby his factotum.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Hook a duck

To entertain the young ones (or possibly their parents) during the long vacation a funfair of sorts has sprung up outside St Stephens. Judging by the lack of customers it seems they all have better things to do.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Verse tiles

Oh dear, I feel should apologise for inflicting such doggerel on you ... these tiles on a wall on Torrington Street are thankfully fading with time.