Friday, 18 September 2015

Zebedee's Yard

Having got permission to put a car park where a school building once stood Trinity House splashed out on a bit of metal work to proclaim that said car park is henceforth to be known as Zebedee's Yard. Access to this delight is via Posterngate. We've met with Zebedee before; Zebedee Scaping, long serving (55 years!) headmaster of Trinity House School lies under the sod in Western Cemetery.

The weekend in black and white continues here.

Thursday, 17 September 2015


With the end of world confidently predicted for next week or if not then October 7 (it's always good to have a plan B) , it seems that, in the twinkling of an eye, the occupants of these machines have been caught up together to meet the good Lord in the air ... or maybe they just popped into the cafĂ© on the corner. 

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Common Darter

This, if I'm not mistaken, is a female of the species Sympetrum striolatum and at the risk of being terribly politically incorrect is a bit of a stunner. Here it is taking up the sun on a fence on Snuff Mill Lane.

Margot took this because the camera and I have issues over macro shots grrrr.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Never trust a man called Dave

How do you pronounce Mbps? Is it megabips or magaberps? Anyhow while the local monopoly is trying to sell digital speed with its optical cable roll out I'm stuck on 2 and bit meagreboops and really I don't think I'm missing anything, but maybe good old Dave knows better.

Saturday, 12 September 2015


There's a guy down the road who grows these giant sunflowers every year and every year I mean to photograph them and every year forget. Well this year I was passing, camera in hand ....

Friday, 11 September 2015

Simply Buses

I always strive, as you are aware, to be upbeat and positive in my postings about this fair town. So it gives me immense pleasure to inform you that half of Hull's buses, those blue ones run by Stagecoach, have undergone an overhaul. Not the actual buses themselves, no that would be too much, no the routes they run on. Routes have been combined, adjusted and played around with so that now there are just fifteen routes, numbered 1 to 16. For some reason there is no number 15. Mirabile dictu there's now even a service that runs from the west unto the east (and back again) and it runs right past my front door every ten minutes. The old buses were labeled Pronto now in a masterpiece of PR they are to be known as Simplibus. We tried out that new service on Monday and sure enough it went all the way across to Holderness Road; pretty straight forward except when the driver forgot the new route in town and took us on an impromptu tourist ride round the houses to get back on track. Still, early days ...

Weekend Reflections are here.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Samman House

The last in an impromptu triplet of doorways is this on Bowlalley Lane complete with bin bags. The story of the rise (if that's the right word) of Henry Samman from Oxfordshire born cabin boy to Hull shipping magnate, owner of the Deddington Steamship Company, mayor of Beverley and eventual baronet can be read here should you want a good read. Hull's chamber of commerce and shipping no longer resides here and indeed the whole building was recently (2013) refurbished and converted into "eight unique high specification apartments" which I suppose explains the trash. A recent addition, well I've only just noticed it, is the little picture of what I believe is the SS Elf in company colours.