Thursday, 5 May 2016

Corner House

Someone with time on their hands and a lot of paint has neatly decorated the Cornerhouse on the corner (geddit?) of Percy Street and Freetown Way. The lower half reminds me of the modern craze for adult colouring in books, I suppose it's harmless fun.  Cornerhouse is a place for youngsters to get (free) advice on sex and relationships and so on. I don't know where the oldies have to go for such things, I suppose we just have to make it up as we go along ...

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Going to the inevitable

If you have a slightly better memory than me you may faintly recall a post about the old Blundell Street school and its predicament, (here it is). It's had its share of vandalism over the years. The Council is at loggerheads with the owner over a new development, there had been talk of compulsory purchase and well, it's all so sadly familiar. So it was really no great surprise to wake up on Sunday morning to news that this place had been ravaged by a huge fire, no surprise at all; what took them so long?. 

There's some neat drone footage from Octovision Media.:

Blundell School Fire 30/4/16 from Octovision Media on Vimeo.

Monday, 2 May 2016


Nothing special about today's offering. A typical Hull side street, Grafton Street if you must know, with its typical array of terraced housing, typical array of bins on the pavement (they're an obstruction but no-one gives a toss, which is also typical) and its typical white van parked on a double yellow (but really it's on the pavement so that doesn't count).
Today is a bank holiday and the forecast is cloudy with some rain ... typical.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Hooray, hooray, It's the first of May ...

Cats rely a lot on smelling things out, so I'm told. You've met Bruiser before, here he's pretending to be the great hunter stalking his prey, but it's just another bowl of his favourite slightly rank roast chicken.

City Daily Photo theme for the first of May is 'smell'. Go point your nostrils at what others have done here.

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Nothing rhymes with ...

The local rag, unable to come up with anything newsworthy, pretended to send a reporter out to count the barriers in town. I forget the total, it was something like 3,600 of the little orange darlings. I guess we'll just have to put up with them, they won't be here for ever and when they're gone I bet we'll miss them. Strange old world ...

Friday, 29 April 2016

The Polar Bear

The Polar Bear on Spring Bank has gotten itself a pretty new sign, well it's new to me. The place seems to have the decorators in at the moment so maybe it'll reopen soon.

The weekend in black and white is here.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Inappropriate to say the least

Bene qui latuit bene vixit.
So you spend a bit of money buying a lease on a quiet little plot in the General Cemetery, you lay out your dead in simple plain graves with no ostentation and there you might think you'll lie, without attracting much attention, in perpetuity or at least for the 999 years of your lease. But you had not reckoned with idiots (no better word, well there is but this is a family friendly site) plonking ten foot high signs that are just an insult, a desecration if you would, of the whole ethos of the place. No doubt it'll have something to do with the pestilence that goes by the name of 'Culture' and no doubt a grant will have been obtained to create this vandalism.
I don't know who is responsible for this and I can find no record of any planning permission being sought or granted so it's all a bit of a mystery.