Monday, 20 March 2017

Mobile Chippy

I haven't seen many of these around though I can imagine they must be visiting fair grounds, football matches and so on all over the place. Now I come to think of it, I dimly recall being told that an aunt of mine ran a fish and chip van around the York area many, many years ago; we're talking 1920's or thereabouts. So nothing new under the sun.
This was parked outside what used to be the Endyke pub which became such an unexciting place that it had to change into a shop.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

You have it to do

It's a strange compulsion I know, a kind of reflection fetish ... Someone puts up a set of windows and you just have to see what reflections they give. So here's what you get from the office windows around the new dry dock stage. Below is what it looked like straight on. This is, of course, the penguin prison and fish farm a.k.a  the Deep.

Apologies for the grainy pictures, entirely my fault.

Weekend Reflections are here.

Saturday, 18 March 2017


I pondered why there might be a sliding door all secured and what have you underneath Myton Bridge. Then the answer came to me; it's obvious when you think about it. This is the home of the famous Hull Troll ("fol-de-rol" ) so be careful or he'll eat you up for supper.

The weekend in black and white is here.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Just Passing

Somehow I think the carefully designed advertising for some upcoming cultural event is not reaching its intended audience.

Thursday, 16 March 2017


A fire in a house last Friday morning resulted in an explosion which blew out the front windows of this house on Beverley Road. A man later died of his injuries and two firemen were also injured. Despite appearances the house is said to be structurally sound as are the neighbouring properties.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Pick a colour, any colour

What it's got to do with culture I don't know but if you fancy picking the world's favourite colour then head on over to this site and waste a few minutes of your precious time choosing a suitable shade. I believe there's a prize for the winner although I've always been a bit hazy on the concept of winning so I can't be sure. It's actually a cunning piece of market research by a paper manufacturer (who just happens to be a sponsor of the City of Culture) but who cares these days?
This tosh is at the same place as the vacuous nonsense I posted earlier this year and is clearly reaching the exacting standards of culture demanded in this town. I expect there'll be more delights.