Friday, 18 August 2017

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Sudden Elegancies

Hull has its own sudden elegancies.
Philip Larkin 

The fiddling around by the Council with Queen's Gardens does mean that there is this view of the Maritime Museum, the fountain and City Hall in the distance.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Ceci n'est pas une rĂ¢pe au fromage

So as promised the thing that Hull Council bought but couldn't find a place to put has been plonked in Queen's Gardens where is sticks out like a proverbial sore thumb. I was wrong, I now admit, to say this looks like a cheese grater, it's not as useful as that. No it puts me in mind of childish origami using a crumpled doily. I look forward to seeing selfies from atop the structure and how quickly it turns a sooty black and green with mould. I believe that when finished it is supposed to do tricks with sunlight and other whimsical things, can't wait. No really ...

Monday, 14 August 2017

Fun on Ferensway

A bit of skyline on Ferensway with the St Stephens on the right, the arches of Paragon Station and the new coffee hut which, on closer inspection, seems to have no appeal whatsoever.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Domed, we're all domed ...

One of the first buildings I posted about was the Maritime Museum and over the years it has cropped up regularly (like a recurring toothache some may say). I admit it's one of my turn to subjects when the well of inspiration has run dry  and as it's been over six months since I last mentioned it here it is again... Here's the same dome from two sides (do domes have sides? ... ) in glorious monochrome and in colour, no expense spared. I'm spoiling you.

The weekend in black and white is here.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

The buck stops here

Came across this fine roebuck on Snuff Mill Lane the other day.  It being the rutting time of year I suspect he was looking for female company but I didn't see any around. Something I didn't know was that roe deer became extinct in England in the 18th century  and those we have now are the result of reintroduction from Scotland. There's lots of them about now thankfully and if this guy gets lucky there'll be even more.

Friday, 11 August 2017

" ...listen, linger and think about what you see."

"While you are looking you may as well also listen, linger and think about what you see"
                                                                                                                             Jane Jacobs
This is the ever so new King Edward Square: the time is around five thirty and most folk are heading on home; the only noise is the fruit seller desperate to sell his strawberries "Two for a pound" "Your strawberries two for a pound". There are a few people passing but this is the very centre of what claims to be a city. It's more like a desert. There's no traffic, no people lingering, nobody wanting to be here at all; not even the poor soul trying to sleep by the doors of the old BHS store. This is a dead space.