Sunday 1 January 2017

That was the year that was

The theme for City Daily Photo starts the year Janus fashion by looking back for the 'Photo of the Year'. Out of 236 postings I liked this monochrome effort the most although not particularly strongly. In terms of most viewings, however, the one below was easily the most popular with twice as many hits as the runner-up. Why? I don't know, maybe it was my shameful purloining of the Sea of Hull thing, maybe folks just like a big wide brown river or since most of my viewings are from Russia for some unknown reason maybe Putin is planning to visit this year.

Today is also the start of the City of Culture Year,  there are fireworks tonight on the Humber and a week of light shows in the town centre. I shall endeavour to keep coverage of this to a minimum, there might be something tomorrow and that'll be it for a while. There's more than enough rubbish already out there without me adding to it. If you want more: Google is your friend.