Friday 6 January 2017

The Public House

Next door to our greasy fingered barber is the Star of the West or rather the reinvented Star of the West. The original watering hole was on West Street (geddit!) and looked a lot like this
As I recall I went into the old place on my first Saturday afternoon in Hull some thirty five or more years ago and had a pint of uninspired beer and a memorably soggy and execrable steak pie. A fine welcome! The place remained a sleazy dive, frequented by Saturday night pub crawlers and reporters from the nearby Hull Daily Mail. I never went in again and can't really say I missed it when the old place was knocked down to make way for this. However in my assiduous research for this post I did come across a song about the Star of West, it's in the 'folk' style and clearly the writer was more impressed than I was.

Thursday 5 January 2017

The Barber Shop

It's a barber's shop on Trinity House Lane. OK it's a rock 'n' roll barber's shop. So why Greasy Fingers? Something to do with hair product apparently.
I post this but I haven't been in a barber's for over thirty years and my hair, what there is of it, is over my shoulders like some ageing hippy. 

Wednesday 4 January 2017

The Laundry

You can't make an economy out of taking in each other's washing said somebody, (possibly Mark Twain it sounds like the sort thing he might come out with). Well maybe not an economy but certainly a thriving little business. The laundry at the end of the road seems to being doing nicely so much so it has recently expanded into the old Victoria Wines off licence next door. I've always called this place sounding like Netta but it occurs to me they might want to be more like Neater, who knows or even cares?