Friday 24 February 2017

Reflections of Queen's Gardens

The continuing works to titivate this town are now reaching out to Queen's Gardens. The result is that the two duck ponds are fenced off and the fountains are also out of action. As a result for once the surface of these ponds is absolutely mirror-like. I don't know what the renovations to this place entail but I did hear that in the original plans those trees were due to meet their maker and the horrible cheese-grater that was refused elsewhere is to be installed right next to this spot. It'll be awful, on that you can rely. Hull is very good at awful.

The weekend in black and white is here.
Weekend Reflections are here.

Thursday 23 February 2017

A Visit From Doris

I've posted this little folly before but I think it's worth another visit especially as the trees are in their Winter best. This was part of the old town hall pulled down to make way for the Guildhall. I've just noticed the three rusting crowns on the top; the symbol of Hull, the crowns not the rust; although ....
The weather forecasters have taken to giving storms names, a practice I believe that originated in the States with hurricanes and tropical storms. Well today Storm Doris is due to pay us a visit and rip up this little part of the world with heavy rain, snow in Scotland and high winds for us in Hull and hereabouts. But I'm sorry Doris just doesn't cut it as a storm name, it lacks any menace. My first cat's mother was called Doris, for heavens sake, and a sweeter cat you never did see. The only other Doris I can think of is Doris Day! Until tomorrow then, Doris permitting.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Under Construction


Next door to the New Theatre I showed yesterday is the site of a new school or University Technical College to give it its fancy name. The last time I was around here, in May last year,  they had been in the process of demolishing bits of the old fire station so they've come on a bit since then.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

The New New Theatre

Work on the expensive rebuilding of the New Theatre seems to be progressing nicely.  It now seems to be twice as big as it was. I came across a nice little time lapse film of the work in the local rag so I thought I'd just be awesome and share it here

Monday 20 February 2017

The elephant in the room

Hull was and still is to some extent noted for its fine Victorian and Edwardian architecture, though many buildings were demolished in the War and shortly after to make way for 1950's drabness. Some of the finest remaining buildings are here in Queen Victoria Square.

Sunday 19 February 2017

The next plane to land at platform two ...

Somehow a replica model of Amy Johnson's plane has ended up in Paragon Station. The cash conscious people at the British Science Museum refused to pay for the original to be smothered in bubble wrap and sent up North. (The hidden message being they thought it might get broken by uncouth Hullians! I don't know where they might get that idea from.) So, instead,  this was built by inmates of the local prison. What a truly wonderful place this is!

Saturday 18 February 2017

You wanna put what? Where?


After years of planning you'd think that somebody, somewhere would have sought planning permission from the Council to dump this thing in the town square. But you forget, this is Hull! So now retrospective permission is being applied for. Be funny if it was refused.

The weekend in black and white is here.