Friday 3 March 2017


Albert has had to wait six years for his appearance in this blog due to a slight aversion on my part to anything batrachian. It's been three years since my last toady post so allow me a small indulgence while I clear these old photos out of the waiting list. This fine fellow squats (he may have hopped off by now; it's been a while!) by the entrance to the Pearson pub on Princes Avenue. If you have no idea what Hull's Toad fixation was consider yourself lucky and count your blessings.

Thursday 2 March 2017

The Primary School

This is just the local primary school down the road designed by someone who thought (rightly) that a box topped by a pyramid makes for a nice shape. However, nice buildings do not a successful school make and this place is currently under special measures for "failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education". "Must try harder" I suppose is the note on this school's report card.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Black and White and Colour

So that's the end of Winter as the meteorologists would have us believe and what a warm wimpy Winter that was. Anyhow on this Saint David's day the good folk at City Daily Photo want as their theme black and white in colour so here's what's best described as the backside of a lecture theatre with a nice daffodil yellow sign to show it's not monochrome after all.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Five minutes

Walking along Cottingham Road when I get to this point I know it's just five minutes to go and then I'm home to put my feet up and have a nice cup of tea.

Monday 27 February 2017

It's only money

I've shown the Maritime Museum more than enough times but not, I think*, this façade above the entrance. The building was originally the offices of the Hull Dock Company and clearly money was not a problem at that time as we have a goodly supply of classical gods and goddesses adorning what I take to be Queen Victoria with her rhythm stick (I might be wrong) and a fine but somewhat faded plaque with the symbols of the then four countries of the United Kingdom. At the time of building (1870's) the Hull Dock Company had a monopoly but later competition forced down prices and profits and in hindsight spending £90,000 on Italianate offices may not seem like such a good use of resources. Still it makes for a grand museum.

And while I'm here I've just come across a new-to-me blog about Hull. 150 facts about Hull has been going for four years and has reached 89 facts, if you are into things of a Hully nature this may interest you.

* As I write this blog I often get the uneasy feeling that I'm repeating myself. So if any of this seems familiar it probably is. Indeed I may have mentioned this feeling before ...

Sunday 26 February 2017

Watch Where You're Going

What all this then? HGVs going down Kingtree Avenue? Weren't they looking? And were there so many the council had to put up a sign? If drivers of heavy goods vehicles are really so thick and unobservant as to follow a stupid sat nav down a narrow residential street in Cottingham what chance is there that they will even notice this sign? That's enough from me, you have reached your destination.