Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Big fat juicy ones, Eensie weensy squeensy ones, See how they wiggle and squirm!

If you want to catch the big fish you need to dig up the big worms. This young man seems to have excavated half Bridlington beach in his search for lugworms.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Beach Steps

Maybe not quite in the league of the Odessa steps but nevertheless a fine descent to the sandy delights of Bridlington's north beach.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Low Tide

At low tide the small boats rest on the mud of Bridlington's harbour. The tidemark on the harbour wall shows how high the water rises.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Seen better days

Sadly the economy can no longer afford even a cheap and cheerful store like Nixie Plonks which gave up the ghost last year. Here it was in "better" days.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Sand , Sea and Sky

This was Bridlington on Thursday morning. It was really low tide; at high tide where I was standing is under water.

Friday, 24 February 2012

'Tis new to thee

Meet the new Hull; same as the old Hull.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

The Street of the Keeping of Hens

Hengate in Beverley is a busy little ratrun across town. A sign nearby informs the passing tourist that Hengate gets its name from the keeping of hens in olden days, well I think we might have guessed that. On Hengate  is a pub known to all and sundry as Nellie's; I know it's got a sign saying White Horse Inn, it's just called Nellie's, ok, just don't ask awkward questions.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

More Lifeboats

Another view of the oilrig training facilty on Albert Dock.  

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Monday, 20 February 2012

A Removal From Terry Street

So the good news first; this is or rather was a Macdonald's drive-thru burger/lardcake establishment. It's on Terry Street and as you can see it's closed down. It seems it was unable to cope either with the clientele (the usual mix of heroin addicts, alcoholics, homeless people with little or no money, muggers, imps, pimps and banjo players) or the lack thereof. Whatever the reason it shut up shop pretty soon after opening and has been like this for a few years. So no more beef disguised as cardboard in an ersatz bread cake.
The bad news; KFC have just taken it over.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Zebra stripes

Again this is from last week; it's probably all daffodils and primroses now the mild weather has set in. This horse was a plain old horse until someone painted stripes on him some time back, he's been a zebra ever since. Oh and those gulls are just waiting for Mr Hitchcock to say "Action...."

Saturday, 18 February 2012


This was Tuesday at some ungodly hour when sensible people were still in bed.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Four in a row

I think these are Common Gulls, they were certainly very common in the park last week before the snow melted.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

To Let

Last depressing picture for this week; just a few doors down from Past Times (see yesterday) Jonathan James shut last December. This was a shoe shop, if you can't sell shoes then times must be tough. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Out of time

I took this on Monday; by the time you see this Past Times may well have closed its doors for the last time. As you can see there was 70% off everything, even the tables were for sale. The shop, part of a national chain, sold old fashioned jewellery, tableware, sepia tinted pictures and so on; personally I'd call it expensive tat. It's gone into administration citing difficult trading conditions, I think 99% of us are suffering from that.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Store Closing D...

Actually the store closed last year. This is T J Hughes' store on Ferensway, the former C&A for those like me who are of an age. The company went into adminstration late last year and closed loads of shops around the country. All is not lost as the news on the grapevine is that this building will reopen as an oriental restaurant. The reflection is of the railway/bus station.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Up on the roof

Taken by Margot K Juby

Here's a household that clearly likes to be connected. I count four TV aerials, a wireless broadband and now a satellite dish. Makes you wonder what people did before all this wonderful connectivity came along.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Red and Black

Here the business end of a dockside crane neatly frames the tower of Holy Trinity church.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Fixing the drains

In June 2007 during a torrential rainstorm this area of Westwood was flooded and a great deal of damage was done to nearby houses. Since then the residents have campaigned for improved drainage and sewers until finally the local water company have agreed to put in better facilities. This explains the activity going on here and the newly laid and hopefully temporary tarmac road that has been laid across the common.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Hotel Oscar 99

Humberside police's helicopter costs £1.5 million a year to run, or fly if you will. It carries extremely sensitive cameras and other devices for tracking the bad guys and "protecting the community". Some criticise it as an expensive toy saying that officers on the ground are more effective. Be that as it may, I find it odd that the taxpayer pays for a police helicopter yet air ambulance helicopters have to be funded by charitable donations, that, I feel, shows a distinct warped sense of priorities.
And, of course, this machine has its very own website here. Hotel Oscar 99 is the radio call sign of the helicopter.

Thursday, 9 February 2012


Came across this pile of broken sledges on Beverley Westwood. They were clearly not up to the job of sliding down this slippery slope. They've waited all Winter for a bit of snow and then this happens, sad really.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The eye of the beholder

The park pond was frozen over which was only to be expected. All the birds thought I had bread to give them, unfortunately I had none but there were others with whole loaves to dispense. If you zoom in on the eye of this goose you might just make out an image of me taking a picture. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Gloomy outlook

On my way back from a walk in the snow a bank of fog rolled in and sent temperatures on a downward spiral. It was a bit grey and gloomy but not quite as bad as this photo seems.

Monday, 6 February 2012


It's February and according to the textbooks Hazel catkins appear right now. This little tree near to my house has obviously been reading the book because it was covered in these pale yellow catkins. These are the male flowers, the female flowers are small red tufts; pollination is by wind.

Sunday, 5 February 2012


The way the TV news has been going on you would think it had never snowed before, ever. Well really; two inches of the white stuff and they're in some kind of national panic. I didn't have to go far to take this picture; this odd icicle was hanging outside my kitchen window (must remember to fix those gutters sometime).

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Red, White and Blue

What can I say about this block of flats? It's on Barnsley Street in east Hull, it's bigger than anything else around here. Despite appearances it's not built with Lego blocks ...that's about it really.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Blackheaded Gull

Took a trip out to Driffield the other day with a view to taking some photos. I managed this one and about half-a-dozen more when the batteries in my camera went flat. I had another camera but the batts had died in that too; so I was not the happiest of bunnies.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Feeding the ducks...

....and the geese and the gulls and the pigeons. This man suddenly found himself very popular when he emptied a bag of breadcrumbs.
The building in the background is Malet Lambert school, one of the better educational establishments in Hull which isn't saying much.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Peacock Blues

Looking for animals to photograph for today's theme picture I came across these colourful peacocks stoically sitting out the wintry chill in East Park's animal enclosure.
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