Friday, 31 January 2014

Humber Quays Plaza

Taken on Tuesday, a particularly wet and windy old day when not a soul apart from one man and his (very large) dog was to be met down by the Humber Quays. Though I got a bit wet and my hands turned purple with the chill I'd still much rather be out and about than stuck in one of these places.

You might like to visit these sites:
The Weekend in Black and White
Weekend Reflections
TR-black and White challenge

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Cemetery Road

You might think that old bones could rest in peace without being troubled by the progress of the modern world. Well you need to think again. Here's Holy Trinity's burial ground on Castle Street, in use from 1784 to 1861 to take what might be called the overflow from HT's churchyard. It's a bit of a rundown neglected place often the haunt of drunks, drug addicts and the flotsam and jetsam of humanity. Many of the brick vaults are falling down, tombstones now lie strewn on the ground and ivy flourishes as it should in these places. In short it's how you'd expect a cemetery to be that hasn't been used for over a hundred and fifty years. Now the place is doomed to be cut in half by the proposed Castle Street improvements which will rip through what you see here. Up to 11,000 burials might be affected and they will all have to be exhumed and reburied elsewhere. It's reckoned it take over a year just to do this. Oh and say goodbye to the trees (and the roosting bats that live here) as well.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Komplete Control

The local phone/internet company's building has had a bit of a makeover. It used to look like this. Hardly a stunning improvement.
Readers of this blog may be aware that the local football ground is called the KC Stadium. Last week this local monopoly entered into a deal with Hull Kingston Rovers (a rugby league club, m'lud) and in so doing the name of HKR's ground, Craven Park, will now become KC Lightstream Stadium. Coming soon the deal to change Carr Lane to KC Street and Hull to KC City of Culture (it's already happening here).

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Lift that gloom

Ring out the bells, strike up the band, etc etc. The news today is filled with facts and figure showing this scepter’d isle, this earth of majesty, is the fastest growing economy in Europe if not the whole world ... Difficult to believe as I shuffle round the deserted streets with boarded up shops and see the young folks going to sign on for their pittance; if this is the best then god help the rest.
This is looking across the marina entrance towards Holy Trinity on a day of driving showers and unremitting clouds.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Survival of the fittest

It was in March last year that I found it odd that there were two keep-fit establishments practically within spitting distance of each other. The locked gates and concrete road blocks are proof, if it were needed, that was only room for one after all.

Sunday, 26 January 2014


East Park
Looking the other way from yesterday's post these are the ornamental flower beds that make such a colourful display in high Summer but are resting just now.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Winter trees

East Park, Hull
So far it's not been  much of a Winter to be honest more a prolonged slightly chilly Autumn with mild winds and bouts of rain. Hardly any frosts. It's been so mild I've not been wearing my trademark woolly hat.

The weekend can be seen in black and white here.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Could be any old street

Mersey Street is just an ordinary East Hull street of neat two-up two-down terraced houses most with their little satellite dishes. It runs off Holderness Road down to a primary school whose tower you can see in the distance. Oh there's the Croda wind powered generator lurking in the distance but other than that it's just a plain old street where nothing dramatic happens except this and sadly this and many, many years ago children from the school were involved in this but apart from all that, as far as I can tell, it's just an ordinary street but who can tell?.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

The Bank

I'm guessing this particular bank on Holderness Road didn't suffer too much in the recent financial crises. This old Hull Savings Bank despite no longer taking deposits seems to have no liquidity problems.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

James Stuart JP

I've passed this statue on Holderness Road hundreds of times and thought that this guy must at least have been a famous politician, an MP or some such. I mean just look at the size of the pedestal. Turns out he was just some local councillor, president of the East Hull Liberal Association no less. He started a firm producing seed oil which eventually became British Oil & Cake Mills Ltd. So a big fish in a small pond. He is said to have been active in improving education in Hull (a truly sisyphean task). Apart from this I've no idea what he, as opposed to any other local bigwig, did  to merit such a statue, paid for by one Thomas Ferens, he of the art gallery. Normally this chap is adorned with a traffic cone to keep his head warm in the Winter nights but it's been so mild lately he's cast it off.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Half open or half shut?

Cottingham council offices
The latest news is that East Riding Council looks likely to freeze its council tax bills for the next year whilst at the same time cutting spending by £23 million. So we're paying the same but getting less in return, so no change there then. We don't know what little extras the parish council will come up with to pay for the flowers in the street and the increasingly objectionable Cottingham Day extravaganza. If government wanted to find a cut that would meet with almost universal approval then abolishing parish councils would be a sure winner. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

The Simpsons

Not Springfield, I'm afraid, but Spring Bank. 

Sunday, 19 January 2014


Taken by Margot K Juby
These are the flour silos for Jackson's bakery near Spring Bank. If you like the smell of baking bread then you should hang around this spot as there's often a yummy yeasty  aroma to the air. Mind you that is the best part of Jackson's bread which is, like most factory made stuff, tasteless industrial rubber fit only to be thrown to the ducks.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Fool me once ...

I must admit when I first saw this glove I thought someone had left it behind that is until I tried to pick it up. It's made of iron and welded to the arm of the bench. This is in Beverley, the town that brings you hanging jerkins and jester's caps as part of its tourist trail.

The weekend in black and white is here.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Rainbow of sorts

For some reason my camera doesn't do rainbows so well. They turn out pale almost invisible. This is easily the best I've managed. If there's any truth in there being a pot of gold at the end of these things then I know just where to dig.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Yet more trees

Working on the principle that you can't have too many trees here's some more of the mile long stretch of plane trees on Cottingham Road. This bunch are by the entrance to the University. Plane trees are credited with cleaning up air pollutants which get  trapped in the bark which is then shed on the ground. They also shed fine leaf hairs during the Summer which some (that would be me) find irritating causing sneezing.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Danish Buildings

On High Street at the junction with Scale Lane Staithe, Danish Buildings was designed by William Botterill, a leading architect in Victorian Hull. I've no idea what its original purpose was, I could guess trade of some sort or other. Nowadays it has been split into units for the so-called creative industries.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Dockside buildings

As the evening descends on the old dockside buildings the place looks almost attractive.

The Weekend in Black and White is upon us again, here.

And Weekend Reflections is here.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

Beckett's encouraging words came to my mind when I read in the local paper the glad tidings (or sad news if you wish) that this beacon of 1960's design on Bond Street is destined to be demolished. This sprawling concrete edifice was meant to be the first part of a much grander scheme involving yet more concrete on the opposite side of the street with the two parts linked via a bridge. But as "half assed" are the first two words learnt round here it was (thankfully, some may say) never completed. For some reason the council has ended up owning it and it stands almost completely empty. The largest tenant is, ironically, the council's very own planning department, I know you're shocked to learn that there is a planning department ... Anyhow the council now wishes to sell it for re-development along with the street itself which could be narrowed as it's "underused". As I mentioned at the start my source for all this is a newspaper so take the above with a large pinch of salt.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Nice name for a push tug, Shovette, here moored for some reason by the horse wash.

Monday, 6 January 2014


I'm wondering, in that way that means I really don't care either way, whether this is the Lambert that Lambert Street is named after. I'm also mildly puzzled how such a heavy tombstone could get shifted. Either we have very strong vandals or Mr Lambert has been trying to get out ... 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

A contender for boring photo of the year award?

I know, I know, another blue plaque, so blue, so boring but the story behind it is far from dull ...

Hull's link with the doomed ship Forfarshire is that it left Hull for Dundee a two days before the captain, John Humble, decided to put up the sails after the engines had failed rather than put into port and wait out the North-easterly gale that was to push the ship onto the rocks with much loss of life. It wasn't the first wreck nor yet the last and is only remembered now for the heroic deeds of young Grace Darling who put out to sea in the raging storm rescue some of the stranded folks. Those of you not familiar with the full story may like to visit this excellent site here.

This plaque, put up on the 150th anniversary, is close to the old steam packet wharf from where the fated ship departed. The picture of the paddle steamer Forfarshire below appeared on the local paper's site and is of a painting in the Ferens art gallery.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Twitter-light Connections

Taken by Margot K Juby
My thanks to Margot for this, taken while I simply wanted to get home and put my feet up after a trek to Chanterlands Avenue last month and was feeling ever so slightly grumpish. I take responsibility for turning a rosy red sunset into monochrome.

The Weekend in Black and White has more and probably much better monochromes here

Twitter-light an old word that needs reviving.

Friday, 3 January 2014

A rare and world-renowned organ

These colourful pipes are part of Holy Trinity's "rare and world-renowned organ", the largest such parish organ in the land, so I'm informed. (I'm tempted to say size isn't everything when dealing with organs, but I rise above juvenile distraction). Don't ask me how it sounds since I've not heard anyone playing it. The church's website does, however, have a rather odd video of someone playing the Star Wars theme; should you be tempted it's here.

Did you know there was a national pipe organ register or that there was a British Institute for Organ Studies? Well you do now and here's all the technical stuff and more that you could possibly want to know on this impressive instrument.

PS. It's just been pointed out to me that this instrument is "reported playable but in poor condition" bit of a shame that. The church is today passing the begging bowl around for funds so if you've a spare bob in your pocket they take it off your hands.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

29 Park Street

This used to be the Silhouette Club after it moved from Spring Bank in about 1990 then Spectrum then something to do with hypnosis. Now it's available to let. Behind that gaudy decoration I suspect a fine Victorian villa still lurks.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Last Year's Best

It being the day that it is it's time to chose the best of last year's efforts for City Daily Photo's theme day. I was going to show this one  as some kind of metaphor for being stuck in this place in the fog with the lights on amber but I thought that's way too self-indulgent (even for me) so here's a pretty Morning Glory. This has all the advantages of being bright, colourful and not in Hull.

You can see what other's thought of this theme here.