Tuesday, 31 March 2015

A load of old rubbish

I'd somehow forgotten the true tale of Hull City Council's attempts to get householders to spy on their neighbours' bin habits. Yes, a few years ago residents of Hull were being urged to 'keep a diary' if their neighbours were putting out bins at the wrong time or putting the wrong sort of trash in the bins. People were urged "Don't turn a blind eye to environmental crime in your neighbourhood." People responded in the manner you might expect them to and I never heard anything of this preposterous idea again. There's sometimes a little brouhaha about bins being left on the street and causing an obstruction. It never seems to be mentioned that all these bins belong to the Council and it is Council dustmen that leave them on the street instead of putting them back where they found them. Ah well, it is a well known fact that HCC can do no wrong.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Arnold Street

...or yet another photo of Anlaby Road. 
In the foreground is EYMS' Hull garage. EYMS quite rightly put up fares when the oil price rose but for some inexplicable reason haven't reduced them when the oil price fell. Must surely just be an oversight on their part, what say you? EYMS were subject of a documentary series on TV last year, On The Yorkshire Buses , if you seek adventure and derring-do then click on the link to catch up on all eight action packed episodes. *extracts tongue from cheek*
Lowering at the back is the spire of St Matthew's once dubbed the Stadium Church and now either closed or about to close because it's going to cost too much to fix it up. The local rag has it that this is Hull's last surviving Anglican church with a full spire, much good it did it.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Sufficient unto the day

With the demolition the other week of Highcourt this building, Hull Royal Infirmary, became Hull's tallest building. At 57m (187 ft 3/32 inches , thanks Mr Google) and with 14 floors it does not exactly scrape the sky (tickle it maybe?) but it's quite big enough I think. Here it is in its new blue facade after a recent face lift and while it may look neat and tidy outside the workings of this place are at times beyond the ken of mere mortals. It manages to keep going with infusions of cash every now and then to tide it over till the next crisis but this is no way to run a modern health service. (I shall stop here there's an election coming on and no doubt promises will be heaped upon promises and we all shall see the broad, sunlit uplands ...)

Saturday, 28 March 2015

À la recherche du temps perdu or whatever

For no particular reason here is the Anlaby Road end of Midland Street from the station car park. The place hasn't changed much, if at all, in the time I've known it. Joynson's have been in that building since the 1890's selling kitchen equipment. I have to admit to a certain, possibly irrational, disliking of this street, indeed in an another post I called it seedy. When I first came to this town I was looking for digs and a B&B was recommended to me on Midland Street. I don't think I'd ever seen a more run down Dickensian flea-pit in all my then young life. It's not often I run away but that day I ran. Always a slight shudder when going past this place.

Weekend reflections are here.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Floreat GB

Humber Street, Hull
What does this GB stand for? Gor Blimey, Gordon Bennett, Geoffrey Boycott, gigabyte, George Bush, Great Britain, girl's blouse, gallactic bloodshed, gorgeous brute ... Well I don't know. I do know that this is the former warehouse of GB Flowers on Humber Street. Along with the rest of the fruit, veg and flower market GB moved their show out to the west of town and as far as I know they are blooming nicely.
I had a feeling I'd posted about this place before (there's only so much you can do before you start repeating yourself) and indeed here's what it looked like in May 2013.

The weekend in black and white is here.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Wednesday, 25 March 2015


I've often thought our world is run on the sound principle of your guess is as good as mine ...