Sunday, 31 May 2015


The new  C4DI building is coming along nicely and is due to open in October.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Friday, 29 May 2015

Turner Prize

I suppose I must mention that the Turner prize will be hosted by the Ferens in 2017. The announcement yesterday came with full reporting from the BBC arts and farts correspondent as well as national press coverage. As the head honcho of the upcoming Culture fest says; if you want to see it you must come to Hull. That's if ...

Meanwhile a story in the local rag the other day said that the Council intend to put a glass atrium over the entrance to this building. All part of the many million pounds of sprucing up that is going on. (Where is this money coming from?) It's incomprehensible vandalism; there's absolutely no need for an atrium of any sort on this building. It is symptomatic of the crass inanity of Hull City Council. I'll have more on this stupid organisation's activities in the near future.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Escape Route

You know that old joke about the best thing in a place is the road out of it; well this is the road out of here. Seems I forgot to post yesterday; oh dear, how sad, never mind...

Tuesday, 26 May 2015


I'm thinking they had a job lot of bricks that, erm, fell of the back of a lorry, as it were, and well it's a shame they don't all match but who is going to notice? No-one ever comes down here and certainly no-one with a camera ... here's Park Street bridge in all its colourful glory.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Brand Name Recognition

I wondered if it was only in this country that a transport company has a spotters fan club that reports sightings of its lorries as they go about their business on the highways and by-ways. A little searching on the web (it's a bank holiday that's my excuse!) finds a lorry spotting website with over 4,000 paying members (£25 a year) who try to report the make and number of as many lorries as possible; a somewhat eccentric pastime but harmless I feel sure. As for myself I'm no great Stobart fan I prefer a Norbert Dentressangle any day but better still that rara avis Prestons of Potto ...

Sunday, 24 May 2015

A fondness for orange

I think it's the stated aim to be the "best education a creator will have" that kinda sticks in the craw. To my unimaginative nose there's a strong whiff of old fashioned baloney about this place.