Showing posts with label King Edward Street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King Edward Street. Show all posts

Saturday 20 September 2014

Ghosts on West Street

If you ever take a picture of a shop window reflection don't be surprised if the shopkeeper comes out and asks you just what the heck you think you are doing. He seemed genuinely upset that I was taking pictures of his stock and couldn't understand that I wasn't interested in his dummies with school uniforms. This is West Street which connects onto King Edward Street through this archway. At one time (25+ years ago!) traffic could run through this way but for some reason this was stopped as it led to too much human happiness. Anyway I liked the ghostly figures and it was worth taking even if the shopkeeper thinks I'm crazy. He may very well be right.

Weekend Reflections are here

Afterthought: Just figured out the storekeeper's anxiety at my taking pictures. The shop is under investigation by trading standards officers under the consumer protection act. Turns out the shop's owner was prosecuted last year for breaching schools' copyright by selling uniforms bearing their crests without permission. Maybe he thought I was gathering evidence and well,  I'd better stop speculating here, don't want to be held to be in contempt, again

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Plane old trees

Now I'm feeling a bit old. I remember when these plane trees were put in as young saplings barely half the height of the buildings when King Edward Street was paved over in the early 90's to make a pedestrian paradise. I imagine some planner in an office somewhere said something along the lines of "we must have a little bit of greenery here stick in a few of those cheap little old plane trees, they'll do." Well now those ickle trees are bigger than the buildings and still growing, I've read they can get to nearly 100 feet so still some way to go yet.

Sunday 29 June 2014

That big old "Thank You, Hull" party

They seemed to be packing a whole year's worth of 'culture' into one afternoon in Hull yesterday. The day started with the Lord mayor's parade complete with a fly past of some WW2 planes which I saw from two miles away while getting my newspapers, those three planes made one hell of a racket, no stealth bombers back then.

I wouldn't normally attend things like this but I had to go into town for stuff anyway so I had a little look-see. I only stayed for an hour and missed most of the goodies on offer including a "Larkin Toads performance" (I bet that was fun). Here in no particular order are some of the goings-on that I witnessed. 

Synchronised Lindy Hopping!

Where's the next act gone?

A robot that prints on the pavement

If you're wondering what the "thank you" is for it's a  City of Culture thing and if you're still wondering what a City of Culture thing is I suggest lying down in a cool dark room with soothing music. If these images aren't sufficient the local rag has more pictures here.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Street Lights

This triplet of spherical lamps illuminate King Edward Street. The background is the BHS mural that I showed a long time ago here.

City Daily Photo's theme this month is street lights, catch the latest postings here.