Showing posts with label Queen's Gardens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Queen's Gardens. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Queen's Gardens, Hull

A nice bit of greenery in the centre of town. The gardens are much used by students and workers to take their lunch breaks and so on. 

Thursday 3 June 2010

Glamrock meets Robinson Crusoe: no contest.

This run down, somewhat seedy establishment is a memorial to Mick Ronson. Who? He was the guy who played guitar with David Bowie in the glittery glamrock end of '70s. There used to be a kind of awning over a small stage but that appears to gone the way of all council cutbacks. Now it's just a cafe in Queen's Gardens with a tacky sign. 

In contrast to the ephemeral, pop music world, you may just make out a plaque on the wall. This is a celebration of Robinson Crusoe's departure from Hull in 1651. Not from that spot, you understand, since that wasn't a dock then, and nor yet for real since he was only  a figure in a book. The plaque states "he spent 28 years, 2 months and 19 days on a desert island an example of resolution, fortitude and self-reliance"
It goes onto to quote "Had I the sense to return to Hull, I had been happy"; well quite, but there'd been no story then, would there?