Monday, 7 March 2011

Spa wars

There has been a Spa in Bridlington in one form or another since 1896. The present Spa was built in 1932 in 52 days to replace a fire damaged building. The Spa closed in 2005 for renovation and reopened three years later after a mere £19.5 million had been spent. The saga of the redevelopment of the area around the Spa is one of delays and incompetence resulting in financial losses to hotels and boarding houses in that part of the resort.The picture was taken in April last year when the works were just beginning. The promenade area was closed all last Summer which must have given tourism a great boost. The area is now open but as far as I can tell it looks pretty much the same as before with some unattractive new features. Whether the costs were worth it remains to be seen. 
 The Spa has a theatre, the finest dance floor in the country and other attractions. It is owned and run by the  county council. 
In this media savvy age there is, of course, a web site and it's here.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

The Compleat Angler

I thought fishing from the pier was just a bit of fun; not to be taken too seriously. This piscator clearly has different ideas.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Big wave

There I was taking a few snaps of Bridlington harbour when I see this guy standing up in his little fishing boat waving at me. I tried to wave back but nearly dropped the camera; then he sat down, put on the gas and sped out of the habour. I hope he had a good catch.

Friday, 4 March 2011

New Holland

Two and half miles across the Humber from Hull is New Holland. This was the destination of the Britiish Rail ferry service that ran until 1981 when the Humber Bridge opened; there were connecting trains to take passengers on to London and other places. 
The jetty you can see here allows large ships to berth in midstream; bulk cargoes from and destined for Scandinavia, Europe, the Black Sea and North Africa are handled here. 
In the foreground there appears to be a man about to jump in the river; this is a statue, at least I hope it's a statue. I'll have to investigate this further.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

White Cliffs of Flamborough

If the coast of Yorkshire were pictured as a face staring out to the North Sea, Flamborough Head would be the hooked nose with Bridlington the nostrils. To take this image to its ridiculous extreme Hull would be the sore throat that never stops coughing.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Low Tide

While it's low tide it's best to catch up on the beauty sleep; the only disturbance is a heavy footed fool with a camera.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Favourite place in town ...

 ...well not mine anyway; but judging by the numbers coming and going surely the fave place for lots of people.  They're lovin' it.

It's theme day on City Daily Photos. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants