Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Old MacDonald had a place ...

This used to have the golden M hanging over but it not any more. Bridlington's big mac days are over, at least in the centre of town. Don't despair; this is not like Bolivia or Japan, there's still a drive-in just outside the town centre.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012


This used to be known as Permanent House on account of housing the Leeds Permanent Building Society where people saved their money and took out sensible mortgages. Times and fashions change and nothing is permanent not even the Leeds Permanent. Now it's been painted black and houses a gambling den, sorry, make that a betting office sounds much nicer.

Monday, 16 April 2012


This is the new Hallgate primary, right next to yesterday's old school. They've been educating young 'uns here for 115 years. Its a very inclusive place; here they'll talk to anyone.

Sunday, 15 April 2012


This is the old Hallgate junior school in Cottingham. It was built in the 1890s and was used up until a few years ago when it was merged with the infants school next door. It then stood empty for a while. Community groups wanted it to be made available for community uses such as a Scout Hall and so on. The Council, however, sold it to an arm of the Exclusive Brethren, a Christian group that encourages members to avoid contact with any outsiders wherever possible, even other Christians.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

All that exists deserves to perish

Poor old Thomas Stainton; nothing to remember him by but his headstone and that ain't looking too good.

This is in Cottingham, St Mary's churchyard.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Waiting for the bus

This snazzy yellow bus was unfortunately not my bus; mine was due in a minute or two. Bus fares are due to rise again this week; since I moved to this area they've more than doubled in eight years!