Sunday, 14 October 2012

Deep Muddy One

The river Hull when it enters the Humber is a completely different beast to the crystal clear chalk stream that rises out of the Wolds. I guess those old Scandinavians and Celts were both right.

Here's the tidal surge barrier's reflection in that deep muddy river Hull.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Before and after

This old dry dock is right at the mouth of the river Hull, opposite the Deep. It used to be home to a Manx steamboat that was used as a nightclub but that sailed off into the sunset ten or more years ago. Unfortunately when it left they couldn't close the dock gates, so for a decade the mud and silt of the Humber has washed in and filled it up completely. The owners of the site are planning to make some kind of tourist attraction out of it so they have cleaned it up with a hosepipe and a pump with the result you now see. The dock gates have now been sealed so they won't have to do it all over again.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Fly in the ointment

Just outside Driffield the river Hull passes round an eyot and at this time of year everything's turning nicely Autmnal. The river is very clear and you can see some really big fish in it. All in all very nice, almost bucolic. 

Shame then that right behind you is Bradshaw's grain mill with its constant noise of turbines driven by the river and deliveries from big lorries.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Hull Fair

It's that time of year again, when Europe's largest travelling fair parks itself in west Hull for a week. It's as popular as ever and as ever there's dozens of food stalls in case the fairgoers should get peckish, choose from burgers, candy floss, chips, donuts and kingsize hotdogs and much else. The big handsome doggy is called Lou and seems to be a regular at the fair.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Near the mouth of the river Hull the Council have erected several large adverts to hide a derelict site. The Council's aim seems to be to convince the passerby that Hull is going to be a centre for "green" industry. And it is true that Siemens have chosen Hull as the site of their wind turbine factory. But and it's a big but, the Government appears to be turning distinctly blue on all matters green, so much so that Siemens and other eco-firms have warned of withdrawing from the UK. I hope I'm wrong but this green future for Hull may end in tears.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Another empty shop, this one providing a space for a bit of 'art'.

Monday, 8 October 2012

The Khyber Pass

I mentioned before that Hull had a large garrison protecting the entrance to the river Hull and when it was demolished parts of it went to make a feature called the Khyber Pass in East Park. Until the other day I hadn't been over the bridge that crosses this odd folly nor had I realised quite how large it is.