When those who do these things decided to knock down parts of High Street to build a multistorey car park and other essentials of modern life it was decided to wall off the back of these buildings. The wall is punctuated with little arched gaps bearing the name of whatever passage way or snicket stood there on High Street before time and the search for profit took its toll. So here we have Snell's Entry. A quick glance through an old trade directory reveals that a Thomas Snell was a baker and flour dealer on High Street back in 1823. I'm assuming this is named after him or his business. It can't have much of a place since I can't find it mentioned on old maps from the period. I did however find a reference that has a resonance to today's Hull. In 1875 Mary Dowd of Snell's Entry was fined 5 shillings (about a week's wages) for not sending her children to school.
I suppose we must thank those who do the deciding because now we know there was a Nag's Head Entry, Barrick's Place, John's Place, King's Court, Breton's Place and not forgetting Grimsby Lane running off High Street; all sign posted now, probably better than when they thronged with life. I won't carp about the lack of apostrophes.
Once again there's more monochrome fun to be had at the Weekend in Black and White here.