Sunday, 26 May 2013


This old butcher's sign has been revealed on Beverley Road, near to Cave Street. I can't remember a butcher's ever being there, that's going back thirty years. The shop is shuttered and closed along with neighbouring shops all benefiting from the economic butchery that is the government's austerity policy. Cuts here, chops there, free money for all our banker friends, oh well done old boy!

Pictures by Margot K Juby, because she had the camera and I didn't.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Cave Street

I don't know of any caves in this neighbourhood unless we are all in some kind of Platonic cave and only seeing shadows of reality cast upon the walls of our miserable existence. Anyhow this street of immeasurable pleasures runs off Beverley Road and is, as far as I know, unfortunately, only too real.

These pictures were taken by Margot K Juby while I was waiting at the bus stop. There's more monochrome merriment at the Weekend in Black & White here.

Friday, 24 May 2013

The pump don't work 'cause the vandals took the handles

Took myself off to Driffield yesterday afternoon, don't know why I bothered since there's nothing much there but it's a trip out of the house. By the beck I came across this old pump that's seen better times. Why they needed such a tall pump I don't know but the road is called Laundry Lane so that might have something to do with it.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Five houses on Mayfair

I may have mentioned that Hull's Beverley Road had at one time pretensions to posh; there's a Harley Street, Park Lane, Fitzroy Street (with allusions to Fitzrovia) and here's good old Mayfair. At one time these were respectable Victorian town houses for the rising middle classes complete with garrets for the domestic serving staff. Now, as you can see, no-one calls them home. I recall that in Monopoly™, Mayfair goes for £400 with houses £50 a go; that seems about the right price for this little lot.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

I'm waiting for my bus

It's never early, It's always late,
First thing you learn is that you always gotta wait ...
I'm waiting for my bus.

(with apologies to Lou Reed)

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Hi vis

Seems the neighbouring street was in need of  a bit of maintenance, so a strip about a yard wide was taken off and replaced on both sides. Took this gang of four (three to work and one to watch) two days to do the whole street. Whether all this was strictly necessary I don't know but they provided a colourful interlude.

Monday, 20 May 2013

No Parking

Nobody cares any more if you park outside these doors on Wellington Street. The business has long gone with the opening of the new fruit market over in Hessle. Those fancy coloured cowlings peeking out at the back mark the restoration of Hull's last smoke house  ( a mere £133,000, since you ask ) part of the regeneration of the old fruit market area if we are to believe what it says in the paper.