Monday, 14 April 2014

I think this sign means keep out ...

... it's also the sign I ignored to take the day before yesterday's picture. How does that old song go? ... ah yes:

"As I went walking I saw a sign there 
And on the sign it said "No Trespassing." 
But on the other side it didn't say nothing, 
That side was made for you and me."

The precious patch of land protected by this fine sign is Alexandria Wharf off High Street near, in fact behind, Blaydes House. It's just a patch of cleared land, (once a riverside warehouse, I believe, that burned down some time back, it wasn't me, guv, honest) in the centre of the city so unsurprisingly it's up for sale with permission to build 33 apartments. Just as well I nipped in before the builders took over; Hull is just a frenzy of building activity at the moment. OK that last part of that sentence may not be exactly true.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Open Season

Seen here reflected in the Transport Museum's window the Arctic Corsair, Hull’s last sidewinder trawler, is open to visitors from today. The museum runs guided tours round so if you're interested it's probably best to book a tour (here), also with the present parlous state of the Council's finances who knows how long this feature will be available. Did I mention it was free? Yeah, I know, why don't they charge?

The weekend reflections are here.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Shotwell Tower

Close by Drypool Bridge this place produces shotgun cartridges for the entertaining business of slaughtering birds specially reared to be 'sport' for gun toters with rather too much money than sense. The tower is so that molten lead can be sprayed into water from a height so producing lead pellets to further pollute the land. Do I seem a tad down on this place? Well tough.

The Weekend in Black and White is right .here

Friday, 11 April 2014


Europa House, Ferensway
Do you ever play with graphics programs and wonder what use all those distorts and transformations could possibly have? Me neither.

In case you're wondering it used to look like this.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Who will stop me?

“Do you mean to tell me that you're thinking seriously of building that way, when and if you are an architect?"
"My dear fellow, who will let you?"
"That's not the point. The point is, who will stop me?” 
― Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

Here, at the junction of Ferensway and Freetown Way, is a fitting testament to the supremacy of man, the ferro-concrete box. 

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Fresh Fish Daily

Here's a little mysterious shop. It's close to the station on Quay Road and never, ever seems to be open yet there's a fresh display of adverts in the window whenever I see it and that window over the door opens wider with the passing years. Something fishy about this....

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Street Life

I mentioned a long time ago how Bridlington tries to stop gulls nesting on buildings. They put netting and spikes and so on with limited success. But if you're going to leave your Christmas decorations up all year you're just asking for trouble as this pair of Kittiwakes think it's a very des res.