Friday, 13 May 2016

Riverside rubble

I think we can say the old Clarence Mill is now gone, well it ain't coming back. But where did those nice trees spring from ...

Monday, 9 May 2016

Daisies and dandelions

Shhh! Don't let the Council know that it's forgotten to mow the verges for a while....

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Liddell Street: then and now

Close to the burnt out school I showed the other day is a patch of grass with a few trees and bushes growing on it. They can't build houses on this land on account of the Cottingham Drain running right underneath it. Twenty or so years ago when I used to live in these parts the place was a scruffy dumping ground for fly-tippers and you'd see the occasional wino making his peace with the world. There was a strange bridge that didn't cross anything since the drain had been culverted decades earlier. There'd be weird tyre tracks where joy riders had obviously been having fun. Oh and every November fifth there'd be an almighty bonfire, often two or three leaving scorch marks that didn't really heal 'til the next November. Anyhow now it's become a play area with goalposts for football (that's posh!) and so on and proper seats for the winos and druggies so they don't get their trousers dirty .... and tolerated graffiti. The strange bridge has finally gone. The posts you can see are to stop twockers using the place as a short cut (spoilsports). Oh and the fly-tipping is still a local hazard.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Demolition beasts

The old central fire station, or rather the back portion of it, is no more thanks to the quick work of these magnificent  machines. The front bit which I posted a few days ago is going to stay as it's protected. There's other work going on with the next door New Theatre which I'll show some other time.

The weekend in black and white is here.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Just show him the door ...

Yesterday we had an election for the post of Police and Crime Commissioner for the Humberside Police force. The incumbent, a man who had overseen the force's decline to being the worst in the country was standing again with the slogan of "Let me finish the job!". Chutzpah! I've just heard he's lost.
There were three other candidates (I almost wrote condidates) but none of them bothered to let anyone know what they stood for so I couldn't tell you about them. Me, I voted for ACAB!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Corner House

Someone with time on their hands and a lot of paint has neatly decorated the Cornerhouse on the corner (geddit?) of Percy Street and Freetown Way. The lower half reminds me of the modern craze for adult colouring in books, I suppose it's harmless fun.  Cornerhouse is a place for youngsters to get (free) advice on sex and relationships and so on. I don't know where the oldies have to go for such things, I suppose we just have to make it up as we go along ...