Well may the world go
The world go, the world go
Well may the world go
When I'm far away
Was it Saturday? yes it looks like it was Saturday that the Government once again bought all the national papers (the free press, at our expense) and had them print a four page puff piece to get the sheep and camels of the UK to put upon their dumbass phones a device, an App, nay the sacred, long awaited saviour of humanity App, the App of Apps. This collection of machine code is going to lead them to the promised land, freedom, free at last, free at last, etc, etc ...
Only you know that war is peace and freedom is eternal surveillance and subjugation. This thing tracks you around (if you let it), you'll need it to scan a code (QR? I wasn't paying too much attention) to gain entry to restaurants and pubs and museums and art galleries and your granny's front door (but granny can't let you in oh no ...) and soon your own bathroom. It is supposed to allow you to scan your Covid-19 test ( yes do have one regularly (only £150 a pop and discretely sent your home in brown packaging ...) to save your loved ones and save the NHS! All praise the NHS!) but this is a farcical quasi-fascist regime and only tests from private outlets that is to say not the NHS (all praise!, and peace be upon it! ) can be entered... so the vast majority of users cannot show that they are negative but this is surely a mere technical glitch, an "innocent" oversight, that will be cleared by the Fat Controller as soon as he can.
By Sunday, that is within 48 hours of its release I read that 10 million and more had obeyed the Fat Controller and tied themselves into this comic prattery. There is, as they say, nowt so queer as folk.
The FC is finding that his bizarre controls and excessive testing are running against each other. More controls, more testing, more positives (80-90% false positives but he don't care he's too dumb to know what a false positive is or maybe he knows that the test is utterly meaningless it matters not ... ), each positive is, of course, a "case" and is a potential near-death experience and a place in intensive care , and so pressure on the NHS (sing its praises, hallelujah!), and so on ... well each "case" now will have to self-isolate for 7 or 14 days (again I'm not too attentive to the copious steaming farmyard stuff emanating from the FC and his crazy gauleiters ) on pain of fines AND they threaten to check up on you with policemen calling round (yeah right like that's going to happen). And the rule of six thingy is in force, and folk are ratting on their neighbours like it's East Germany in the 1950s and the Stasi have put Pentothal in the water supply. The place is gone to hell nicely, unemployment about to rise steeply, students locked in their halls of residence and forbidden to go home at weekends or Christmas (It was a three week lockdown back in March, three weeks to save the NHS! (all praise yada yada) now it's just repression for repression's sake each step further away from a "return to normality". Normality, like the Nietszchean God is dead and we killed it, the first victim of this pestilence, there will not be, cannot be, a return to normal... stop dreaming about it, ain't gonna happen), companies facing closure are desperate that their employees leave their smart phones at home lest they be shut down if a staff member catches a sniffle and tests positive ... Let the good times roll!
...and all for a little biddy cold virus that's been and gone taken its crop of the frail and aged and sunk back into the viral underfroth like all previous seasonal respiratory infections.
Well I'm off now you'll be glad to hear. There may be lockdowns ahead, pretty sure there will be more impositions and crass inanities, the only things that are growing exponentially are the Government's manic repressions and the desire of folk to be punished for their sins. As for me, I cannot be separated from my freedom while I still breathe so it's the old two finger salute to the lot of it. Catch you (and your colds) later, maybe.
Sweet may the breezes blow
Clear may the streams flow
Blue above, green below
When I'm far away