Friday 17 December 2010

Winter Jasmine

With more snow and cold weather forecast it's always nice to see a bit of colour.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Toad of Toad Hall

The Larkin toads were auctioned off a few weeks ago. This one obviously landed on its feet in a fine house in Cottingham.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Three Cheers for the Parakeet

In June I posted about these birds and their taste for gold. The recent bitterly cold weather does not seem to have done them any harm and they seem quite settled into Cottingham church.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Ominous sign

You come across some strange signs as you pass through this life. What deep excavation could there be in Cottingham station?

Sunday 12 December 2010

The Old Corn Exchange, Beverley

Built in 1886 as a Corn Exchange, Butter Market and Baths this building has seen service as an infants school, then as the Picture Playhouse until 2003 and now it's a department store.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Civic Statuary

High above the entrance to the old County Court sits this statue that I assume is meant to represent justice since it has a set of scales in its hands. Sitting on top of this is another monumental sculpture part of a group representing The Daughters of Neptune  which appeared in an earlier post. These are by A H Hodge who did lots of monumental stuff at the turn of the last century.