Saturday 28 August 2010

The Hull Mermaid

There have been many reports of mermaids throughout the centuries and most have been hoaxes. Perhaps the most notable was that of Phineas Taylor Barnum and his "Feejee Mermaid" hoax in New York in 1842. This specimen, however, was acquired by a noted marine biologist, Sir Alistair Hardy FRS, in 1934 and so we can have no doubts as to its authenticity. It is on display in Hull's Maritime Museum.


  1. Quite interesting. I'm following your blog now.

  2. She is one of the more famous mermaids, her picture is in a book called 'Mermaids' by Beatrice Phillpotts. In the Historical Hoaxes section, for some unfathomable reason.

  3. I'm with Jim! Gotta love mermaids, never hear much about mermen though.

  4. Jim and Peter Thank you both!
    Morag This blog has no time for hoaxes.
