Queen's Gardens was no peaceful place on Saturday. Tucked away under the shadow of the Wilberforce Memorial a small would-be jamboree was taking place with attendant amplified noise otherwise known as a band. I learned later it was a "Collective Youth Festival" and that it was "challenging oppression through collective action" (again). There were stalls of various unions, even a Socialist Party stall (I say 'even' I didn't think they could organise a stall) and, of course supporters of the bearded loon of the Labour Party. There were more toilets than security staff and more security staff than attendees (I exaggerate a little but this looked an event for the few and not the many; maybe they all turned up later.) I've seen other posts showing folk raising their fists and reportedly singing that favourite of doomed causes ¡No pasarán! ( Ah but they did pass and seventy years ago my dear, do keep up ...) For a youth event many seemed aged and miserable looking, maybe it was the music, the ancient clichéd slogans that meant little even when new or the dire speeches from international guests which gained nothing in translation. It certainly couldn't have been the weather which was nicely cool and blustery with showers, perfect! Venceremos, comrade, sin duda venceremos, pero no hoy...