The weekend in black and white is here.
Showing posts with label Flags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flags. Show all posts
Sunday, 12 April 2020
Friday, 31 January 2020
Bonsoir old thing, cheerio! chin chin!
Two score and seven years ago our fathers dragged us into a Continent, conceived in Error, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created European...
Three years and seven months after a majority voted to leave the EU the UK is now, at 11 pm January 31st 2020, leaving that damned institution. There will be muted celebrations I expect, this is the way things are done here not with a bang but a whimper. Still, a Brexit Party house just a few doors down is putting out the flags in a show of Union rags to put the Mall in London to shame. Now I wouldn't want you to confuse me with those sentiments. I wouldn't have that Butcher's Apron on my property. I wanted to leave the EU but I'm no mad British Bulldog patriot, je ne suis pas un rosbif! I do not feel particularly British or English (I've never, ever felt European, I don't know what it means to feel such a thing, it's an invented identity that has no history or meaning) I'm just a Hartlepool lad a long way from home ... but I digress, anyway I had no choice in the matter, ma and pa just left me here to sing my song. No. I just want this country to be responsible for its own mistakes and its own successes like any other independent state. Make our own laws, pay our own taxes, spend our taxes as we see fit, trade freely with whoever will trade with us, kick out the bastards in our Parliament every now and then and make our government humble and sore afraid of the people. Not too much to ask, I think, just some basic independence.
Three years and seven months after a majority voted to leave the EU the UK is now, at 11 pm January 31st 2020, leaving that damned institution. There will be muted celebrations I expect, this is the way things are done here not with a bang but a whimper. Still, a Brexit Party house just a few doors down is putting out the flags in a show of Union rags to put the Mall in London to shame. Now I wouldn't want you to confuse me with those sentiments. I wouldn't have that Butcher's Apron on my property. I wanted to leave the EU but I'm no mad British Bulldog patriot, je ne suis pas un rosbif! I do not feel particularly British or English (I've never, ever felt European, I don't know what it means to feel such a thing, it's an invented identity that has no history or meaning) I'm just a Hartlepool lad a long way from home ... but I digress, anyway I had no choice in the matter, ma and pa just left me here to sing my song. No. I just want this country to be responsible for its own mistakes and its own successes like any other independent state. Make our own laws, pay our own taxes, spend our taxes as we see fit, trade freely with whoever will trade with us, kick out the bastards in our Parliament every now and then and make our government humble and sore afraid of the people. Not too much to ask, I think, just some basic independence.
It might be thought appropriate here to say that I wish the EU well without us ... well no, sod 'em, if you'll pardon my French... They and their vocal friends in this country have done their best to delay, thwart and obstruct the will of the majority. They are dangerously antidemocratic. This is absolutely unforgivable and will be their downfall. They still think they have some right not to have their noses rubbed in their defeat. I sincerely hope the sensitive souls are suffering. I look to the rise of other successful Leave parties across the states that remain trapped in the humourless and historic absurdity that is the European Union. This will no doubt happen but vita summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam ...
The weekend in black and white is here.
“The lips of the tyrants are trembling and pale,
In dismay they are dreading the shock,
Of the millions who, bold in the truth of their cause,
Are as strong as the adamant rock!”
The weekend in black and white is here.
Sunday, 13 August 2017
Domed, we're all domed ...
One of the first buildings I posted about was the Maritime Museum and over the years it has cropped up regularly (like a recurring toothache some may say). I admit it's one of my turn to subjects when the well of inspiration has run dry and as it's been over six months since I last mentioned it here it is again... Here's the same dome from two sides (do domes have sides? ... ) in glorious monochrome and in colour, no expense spared. I'm spoiling you.
The weekend in black and white is here.
Saturday, 25 June 2016
The Neverendum
Well now two days after the end of the world as we knew it and everything still seems to be going along just dandy. The markets fell then rose to level higher than before the referendum (hardly the financial Armageddon predicted by the remainers). We're still in the EU in case anybody thinks otherwise (despite being told by Mr Juncker to pack our bags and leave, now, instantly, go on get lost!). We've still got a Tory Government although it is now completely dead in the water with no mandate for Brexit, no Prime Minister and no real majority in Parliament and no respect in the country. The opposition is threatening to rip itself apart again in yet another meaningless leadership challenge (but no-one is listening to them so this doesn't really matter). The Brexiters have admitted (to no intelligent person's great surprise) that their ridiculous claims on immigration and spending on the NHS (£350million a day or was it a week? I wasn't paying them so much attention) were a complete pack of lies. Despite, or perhaps because of, all this the debate-cum-slanging match continues. The losing side now want a re-run referendum ( "We lost, it wasn't fair that we lost". You know the sort of thing that losers say. Perhaps a best of three option will keep them quiet, who knows?). Scotland is making those old fashioned independence noises again (or could that just be bagpipes), the Irish problem is threatening to become a real problem again. The young are thinking themselves betrayed by the old (t'was ever thus). London wants to remain in the EU by a massive margin and what London wants it by and large gets.
Oh and these damn silly flags are still flying.
Like I say, dandy.
Sunday, 21 February 2016
For sale: One vote; never been used.
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EU flags on Castle Street, Hull |
To assuage the snarling, swivel-eyed, hoopleheaded little englanders otherwise known as the Conservative Party the utterly pointless prime minister has called a completely unnecessary referendum, in June, on whether the UK stays in the EU. I, like I suspect vast swathes of the country, couldn't give a monkey's arse one way or the other. I don't think it'll make a great deal of difference either in or out. So, on the principle (if you can call it that) of doing the opposite of what the Government wants me to do I'm going to vote for out ... but let me be clear I am not unreasonable and I am open to persuasion for a reasonable fee (cash only). Good grief there's going to be months and months of this boring euro-twaddle ... if I hear the word 'Brexit' again I don't think I can answer for the consequences!
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Flares and flags
This brought to mind memories of the physics lessons of my distant youth; the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection or so they say. The thing in the middle is one of a pair rags on this pier; possible entrants in the most tattered flags in the world competition, and a truly heart-warming symbol of the state of this United Kingdom. Rule, Britannia!
Weekend Reflections are here.
Monday, 9 November 2015
Got a ticket to my destination
At stations there are signs that politely inform the intending passenger that it is illegal to board a train without a ticket if you get on at a station with a ticket office that is manned, or words to that effect. Which seems fair enough to me. So form an orderly queue at this rather splendid Victorian booking office which was clearly designed to cope with far more passengers than ever use this line. You might have to wait as the ticket seller is probably having a coffee in the buffet across the way ...
I've waited in far worse places than Bridlington station for my train to arrive though, as I've mentioned before, the hanging bikes are a bit of an oddity.
Being by the seaside brings with it a yearly influx of young gulls learning the delicate art of walking on a sloping glass roof.
Sunday, 6 September 2015
A few flags and stuff
A low pressure system over the North Sea was bringing down cloudy Polar Bear breath from Svarlbard or so it seemed on Saturday as I took in a few of the Freedom Festival's goings-on in and around Queen's Gardens. It seemed to involve lots of flags, tying up children in rubber bands (an excellent idea), strange signs, yet more flags and eating cooked pig. The BBC had a big display here as well but you don't want to see that....This is but a mere fraction of the 'attractions' that last for three days (and nights) and take in the old town as well. Just think, in 2017 every day will be a festival day ..... how frabjous!
Friday, 19 September 2014
A bit frayed at the edges
"... this most cultural-inimical sickness and unreasonableness that there is, nationalism, this névrose nationale with which Europe is sick, this perpetuation of European petty-statesmanship, of petty politics: they have robbed Europe itself of its meaning, of its reason — they have led it into a blind alley...." F W Nietzsche Ecce Homo
Well it was billed as the most important vote ever, something to decide the future of the UK, a once in a life time opportunity. Strange then that most of us didn't have a vote but we'll let that pass. It was deemed to be such a close run thing, the opinion polls had it too close to call, but the polls are designed that way else why have polls at all? After what seems like an eternity of gassing on Scotland's nay sayers have emphatically said nae and that hopefully will be the end of that. Watch as the promises for extra devolution cynically made a few days before the vote are quietly sunk in the mire of Westminster as English MPs block any home rule measures (so-called Devo-Max). Interesting times ... oh and smile as the PM tries not to gloat too much at the Nationalists' failure.
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Hull Rickshaw
Seems to be the year for novel ways of getting around the city and seeing the sights. I told you about the land train a few weeks back now we have a rickshaw to carry you about by foot power. The guy in the shades, Neil Worner, is in charge of this little project, he used to drive a white van now he pedals passengers around town and the Avenues area. It sounds like a nice idea but I expect if you're stuck in the tailback behind him you might have other ideas. I've seen a promo video he made and can only say that shy and introverted are not words that spring to mind. You wanna see? It's here.
Just noticed the England flag, must have taken this during the World Cup, you remember the World Cup? Me neither.
Friday, 16 May 2014
Final countdown
I thought there would have been more of this football related nonsense about town given that the local club have reached the FA cup final for the first time. There are surprisingly few displays of flags and so on. Anyhow there were two or three touts trying their luck in town yesterday with very few takers. They've got scarves, tee shirts and flags, however, the truly dedicated aficionado can buy a toilet seat decorated in team colors with the face of the manager on the lid, I kid you not. I hear you ask who are the opposition in this contest? Some small time club by the name of Arsenal. Kickoff's 5pm tomorrow, it'll be a walkover ...
Friday, 9 May 2014
Red, White and Blue
A rather tattered old rag hanging over the bankrupt Blockbuster video store on Newland Avenue. The news today that GDP will finally creep back 2008 levels has hardly been met with dancing in the street but maybe if the local football team win the FA cup in week's time there may be some small celebration.
The weekend in black and white is here
Friday, 30 April 2010
Flagging Interest
This is Castle Street which runs between the main shopping area on the left and the Marina on the right. It doesn't look it but this road is one of the busiest in the area and there are plans to build a tunnel and bury the road. The Marina and the Riverside development are meant to attract new and vibrant companies to poor old Hull. This is the "build it and they'll come" approach to economic revival. We still await their arrival.
Anyhow the flags were colourful and it was a nice sunny day.
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