Showing posts with label North Sea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Sea. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Harbour Wall

I was going to call this something like 'next stop Hamburg' since if you keep going East over that horizon you'll end up close to that place but then I guess no-one or very few from Hamburg these days thinks 'heh if go that-a-way I'll end up in Bridlington' well at least not for the past seventy five years or so... This was taken in October when by rights it should have been posted then but though the body was willing the spirit was weak ... Besser spät als nie as they might say over yonder ...

The City Daily Photo theme for January was 'Photo of the Year'; it's not too late to go have a look.

Friday 12 May 2017

A trip round the bay

Though Pirates grow old
And their beards go grey
It's never too cold
For a trip round the bay.

OK I'll give up the doggerel and stick to the day job...

Friday 1 April 2016

Two men in a boat

Here the little coble Harlequin is putting out into relatively calm North Sea to check lobster or crab pots or maybe just for a trip round the bay. If you click on this picture and peer a bit at the horizon you can just about make out some wind generators, these are part of what is going to be the world's largest offshore wind farm. This will keep the lights on in a million homes just so long as the wind blows.

The theme for City Daily Photo this month is the 'beauty of simplicity'.