Showing posts with label The Plague. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Plague. Show all posts

Thursday 10 September 2020

... had a great fall.

There's an old joke, usually involving an Oirish peasant farmer stereotype, whose punchline is along the lines of if I was going there sure I wouldn't start from here. It's not terribly funny but then things aren't right now. Like Humpty Dumpty civil society has had a great fall and is lying shattered and in pieces while the King's horses and men scratch their heads and trample on the debris. 
It's not that there's folks dying in their hundreds and thousands from the great panic. Nobody is dying of it or even with it, deaths from the dreaded lurgy are as close to zero as you can get. No, it's not even the rise in the number of 'cases'; these are just 'positives' from the much discredited, indeed derided RT-PCR test for Sars-Cov-2 (or what ever name they call their mysterious friend these days). These 'cases' are not even ill, not in hospital, not in Intensive Care Units, they're not bothered about this at all because it's not a problem healthwise. There is no problem with Covid-19. No really, there isn't, there never was; it was just another seasonal bug passing through and picking off the 'at risk' elderly and sick, compared to other seasons it wasn't even particularly severe...
The problem is the Government, the problem is the state of the State. It has taken powers that bear no relation to any problem faced by people in the United Kingdom. Having gone down this path it has found itself unwilling to let go, so it plays with our liberties like a bored cat with a  mouse, a little loosening here, a tightening there, a quid pro quo on your being able to go to the shops whilst muzzling your faces, pubs can open but you cannot have groups of more than six at home, children go to school but must be muzzled and so on. 
It goes without saying that none of the measures will prevent, or did prevent to the spread, rise, and fall of whatever it was that was killing off the old, sick folk back in March and April. The measures are not health measures but power grabs by the State. Indeed by distancing folk these measures may for the first time in human history have stopped or more likely delayed the development of mass immunity via normal transmission, irony comes back and bites you on your muzzled tush.  I assert once again that only an idiot would think that a flimsy rag over your face will stop a virus. However the world is not short of  idiots and they comply and, in compliance, they give the crazed loons of Whitehall yet more power. A You Gov poll showed a majority for 10pm curfews, please lock us up in our homes, cry the fools,  O hear us when we cry to thee, For those in peril on the streets! .
The absolute fools will applaud the absolute lunacy of the Fat Controller's dream of daily testing to show you are fit to mix in society (a test a day keeps the Covid away!). The absolute fools will queue, nay, fight each other tooth and nail to be first in line for the new, unlicensed, wonder 'vaccine' (which will be sold as the passport to normality, you can hear the crazed mob yelling....please, me please, me first, me first, I want it, I want it, I want it, please, please, pretty please .... ye Gods!)
There is, as the Fat Controller and his mad crew have shown, no limit to the depths of stupidity of fools and no lengths they will not go to exploit it. It's tyranny but for their own good, as ever.  
This is all beginning to get a bit lengthy, tedious and depressing so I'll end with wee, pathetic joke: if you were to ask me the route back to normality I would have to say sure I wouldn't start from here.