Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Monday 10 December 2012

While waiting for the lights to change ...

... I took these from a taxi on my way to east Hull a fortnight or so ago. This is Trinity Methodist church on the corner of Newland Avenue and Cottingham Road. It's main feature is the octagonal dome which is almost always topped by a sitting sea gull. The building was designed by our old friend Alfred Gelder in 1927ish.  I've seen this building described as looking like a cinema but personally I don't see the similarity. The bus stop on the right is the one overlooked by a skeleton (see here).

Friday 16 November 2012

Voter apathy

Yesterday (Thursday) we had elections for police and crime commissioners. These individuals are to replace the established and functioning local police authorities. Despite it being the first election of its type enthusiasm for this vote is lower than low, estimates of a 10-15% turnout have been made. Due to very poor publicity no-one seems to know who is standing or what qualities are needed for the job. As one of the candidates was John Prescott a former Labour MP,  cabinet minister indeed deputy prime minister no less I went along just to vote against him. The choice of a church for a polling station was apt since God only knows what's going to happen with this vote.

Monday 10 September 2012

St Charles Borromeo, Jarret Street

The Catholic church of St Charles Borromeo on Jarret Street was opened in 1829. This is not the place to go into my views on the Catholic Church (as someone who was sent to a Catholic school and to church every Sunday believe me I could go on for some time) so I'll just say that this building is next to the brewery and is Grade 2 listed.
You'd probably never heard of Charles Borromeo and neither had I until today. Wikipedia has him as an architect of the counter-reformation and setting up seminaries for the education of priests. Quite how that makes him a saint I don't know, and frankly I don't care.

Monday 3 September 2012

From the train

Harpham is a little village about half way between Driffield and Bridlington. The train goes whizzing past so this is about as much as you can see. Harpham's claim to fame is that St John of Beverley was born there in the 7th century, they've been dining out on that ever since.

Friday 31 August 2012

Zion, sorry not interested

Here's yet another church or chapel or whatever they call them, in Cottingham. It's a URC building and it's also on the same street as the CofE and Methodist churches so whatever flavour of English protestantism is your fancy you should find satisfaction here. I suspect however that like over 95% of the population (including myself) you aren't interested in anything they have to offer.

Saturday 23 June 2012


This is the view in the other direction from yesterday's photo. This is Hessle's All Saints Church with its impressive spire. Until the bridge was built it was probably the tallest structure round here. As we're on our way to record rainfall for June this picture is clearly not a recent one; no more blue skies and fluffy clouds just rain and more rain. Did I mention a drought back in April?

Sunday 10 June 2012

Fiat Lux .... now pay for it.

Someone thoughtfully left the door open so I could get a shot down the length of St Mary's in Beverley. Then I stepped inside and took another one. As I did so I noticed a small sign suggesting that photographers should pay a small fee for the privilege of capturing photons. C of E thinks it owns the light in its churches. Seems even light is being monetised!