Monday, 12 September 2011

Cliff Mill, Hessle

Close to the Humber Bridge stands this old mill which was built, so the web tells me, in 1806. In case you were wondering that small change in height in the foreground counts as a cliff in these parts.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Look thy last on all things lovely

Just off Hallgate there's a small garden with seats and ringed by trees and bushes. It was built as a memorial for the dead of two world wars. It's a nice place to sit for a few minutes and get away from the hurly burly of Cottingham life. Has Cottingham ever had a hurly or even a burly?
Now, however, many of the trees are to be removed. OK some of them are diseased like this cherry but some are being cut down for the sin of having grown too tall and some plum trees are guilty of growing plums which then fall on the path.They've been doing that for 80 or more years but someone's just noticed and complained. It's a shame but then we all know what councils are like.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Black Over Will's Mother's

Here's Bridlington all lit up in the September sun against the blackest of black skies. It didn't rain; least not while I was there.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Sunshine and Showers

A stroll along Bridlington's new promenade in September means taking your chances with the weather.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Bridlington Promenade

I've mentioned before how Bridlington has been improving itself with an upgrade of its seafront fittings. This is the new promenade running for about a mile or so to the south of the town. It is edged by continuous seating; imagine a mile long bench! The white building is the Spa, an art deco renovation costing millions.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The view from the bank.

The newish Barclay's bank has wonderful blue reflective windows so I had to point the Fuji and click. That's the City Hall in the background.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Taking Liberties

Here's what's left of Pearson Park gates. They were put up in the 1860s when carriages had a horse or two in front of them and well-to-do folks lived in those town houses that line the approach. Now the horses and the money have gone.What you see here are the skeletal remains of a fine set of Victorian iron gates that once had fancy decorations on top and actual gates (see here). The gates went in the last war I'm guessing and the fancy decoration was rmoved by Hull council in a fit of health & safety vandalism and stupidity sometime in the 70s.

Now for a totally separate issue. It has come to my notice that the domain is using the RSS feed from this site and probably from other blogs to make virtually a direct copy only with their advertising. I don't mind people "borrowing" a picture or two but to copy the whole blog is taking liberties. I have reported these offenders to Blogger. If anyone finds their site has been used likewise I suggest they report the matter as well. The following message is for the owners of

אתר זה מוגן בזכויות יוצרים ואתה הפרת זכויות היוצרים שלי.