Saturday, 16 June 2012


The grammar on some signs in mediaeval church yards is uneven too! This Holy Trinity's church yard looking the worse for wear what with all those burials and a large tree buckling the surface.

Friday, 15 June 2012


I've always understood the name of this place to be a reference to it's prices. I may be wrong since I've never been in and don't drink coffee.

Thursday, 14 June 2012


This is East Park and in the distance stands the 450 ft Reckitt's chimney. This is now defunct since the plant it served has closed. Can't think why but I've just remembered that Reckitt's bought out the Durex company a while back ...

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

The other side of 13

Here's a view of the other side of the converted warehouse 13 that I showed you here. The black object in the foreground must remain one of life's mysteries, that is to say, I don't know what it is. 

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

P & O x 2

Did you know that over a million passengers use the port of Hull every year? No, nor did I. P & O have ferries to Zeebrugge and Rotterdam. The ferry terminal is way over in east Hull so everyone has to go through the city to get where they want to be.
Here's two totally different shots of roughly the same scene.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Arco factory

When, in 1890, the Leyland And Birmingham Rubber Company needed somewhere to distribute industrial asbestos and rubber supplies, they looked at Hull and thought that's the place for us. So was formed the Asbestos and Rubber Company or Arco. Nowadays they make over 22000 products with  a wide range of safety gear and industrial clothing and are a world wide company. You can find out what good guys they are at their very own website here.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Fiat Lux .... now pay for it.

Someone thoughtfully left the door open so I could get a shot down the length of St Mary's in Beverley. Then I stepped inside and took another one. As I did so I noticed a small sign suggesting that photographers should pay a small fee for the privilege of capturing photons. C of E thinks it owns the light in its churches. Seems even light is being monetised!