Tuesday 1 November 2016

Poop the coop

Here's an advertisement for the effectiveness of bird protection measures; they work so well and the birds feel so protected they set up home.

Never thought I'd find a use for what is, in so many ways, a crap photo (taken by Margot I hasten to add) but then along comes City Daily Daily photo and their "out of focus" theme day. Well blame them ... they asked for it.

Monday 31 October 2016

The Mighty Boo Sign

As a contribution to annual insanity that affects this country at the end of October (thank you USA; another great contribution to civilisation) here's a scary Boo sign. It's actually a sign for a café called Boom but the 'm' went walkabout sometime ago and no-one seems to have noticed ... or perhaps it was never there. Tell you the truth I didn't even notice if the café was still there. I maybe making all this up, I've not been well you  know ...

Thursday 27 October 2016

Keep Britian Tidy

Oh yes, it's a reminder to keep the the place tidy and well they can't even spell their own country right ... they meant well I suppose.

Margot spotted this delight.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Colour coded demolition

Well there goes the Osborne Street multi-storey car kennel to make way for a newer brighter better one. Also revealed are the colour codes for each floor in case remembering first floor or second floor or whatever was too onerous a task for the poor drivers of this town

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Skell and Wiske

There was a time when it was the rather quaint custom to name university buildings after what when on in them. So physics was carried out in the physics building and administration was in the admin building (unless occupied by students, those were the days my friend). Any way you get the simple idea of connecting name with function. Well that's just so much antiquated nonsense and leaves no room for play by imaginative busybodies with far too much spare time on their hands. So now physics is in the Robert Blackburn building and admin in the Venn building. But that's just getting started; what you need to do is to name buildings after some really obscure rivers in Yorkshire and see if anyone can guess just what on earth goes on in them (I suspect very little but then I'm just an old grump). These are just two of a good half dozen or so rivers that I spotted recently.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Just throw a load of money at it

Here's a little story with a happy ending. Last year I posted about a sad little house that had fallen on hard times. Here it is again, a year later much work done and many thousands of pounds spent. These pictures were taken in May so I expect someone's moved in and is enjoying this remarkable renovation work.

Saturday 22 October 2016

The Happy Couple

A couple of students celebrate paying off their loans by getting married ...

Margot K Juby took this delightful shot.