Tuesday 3 November 2015

It'll be all right on the night ...

These pictures, taken on Friday, show the intense effort to get things ready for today's grand opening of the Flemingate complex, shall we call it a complex or centre, well whatever. By intense I mean, of course, standing around talking in little groups, that always seems to get things done, I've found.
They've avoided going for the steel and glass architecture of so many new shopping malls and instead gone for the bricks everywhere approach in keeping with the style of the town. The resulting facades are just a tad dull, uninspiring and somewhat disappointing in my humble opinion, others may think it's wonderful.
Will this development bring in loads of customers flocking to the "under-retailed" town? Will the shops in the old town suffer as footfall flees to the wrong side of the tracks? Can these retail outlets survive in the era of ordering stuff from online warehouses? Don't look at me, what do you think I am psychic?

Clearly it's not all finished just yet.

Oh look! Somebody doing some work!

This hotel puts me in mind of a place of detention.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps a bit too much brick to match the area. I don't know... when I think inspiring architecture, big box retail is pretty far down the list.
