Wednesday 8 May 2019

Déjà vu in black and white

Surely, says meself to meself, I've shown a barge going up the river before and to be sure this very selfsame little boat, sorry ship, Swinderby, was posted way back when life was all so simple. And as is the way of things when you poke at them I find yet another barge doing the upstream adventure. In my defence I like the clouds and the mud in this picture ... and it was taken sometime back and if I don't post it now I never will.

I know it's only Wednesday but The Weekend in Black and White is here.


  1. It doesn't appear that the water's deep if the mud is exposed.

  2. Great shapes and contrast. Love The Deep against the moody sky.

  3. Fine b&w photo demonstrating the futility of human structures to survive. Everything here looks abandoned. Congratulations on being featured on this week's Weekend in Black and White.
