Friday, 21 February 2014

Priory Cottage

What does word 'cottage' conjur up for you? A small, thatched affair maybe or perhaps some artisan's dwelling; certainly not, I suspect, something like this substantial five bedroomed quasi-mansion that sits on Northgate in Cottingham. Built around 1854 it comes with very large gardens. It's for sale and should you be tempted  the asking price is just a shade under £400,000, but you get a lot of 'cottage' for all that.


  1. I've never understood the British 'cottage'. Our version would be made of wood and sitting on a lake.

  2. I would love to buy it, but the daily commute to my job in Christchurch New Zealand could be troublesome. My great grandfather owned this house at one time, and my grandfather spent some time here before travelling overseas, eventually settling in Christchurch NZ. Warren Campbell-Trotter
