Sunday, 1 September 2013

Peeling Pink Paint

At the corner of Roper Street and Waterhouse Lane stands the Music Man or what's left of it. Old maps show this as the Victoria Tavern. I was looking for any interesting facts or features about this place but could find only one comment which mentioned warm beer in cans, indescribable toilets and walls covered in a blue fungal growth! There's a school of thought that if you can't think of anything nice to say then you should say nothing ....

City Daily Photo are having their monthly do with a family friendly 'pink' theme here.


  1. so many old pubs going - goof ones grotty ones go but some grots seem to buck the trend and survive.

  2. What happened to Hull, William? Was it just the recession, or did Hull get hit harder than other places for some reason? Your photos show such desolation. I realize that's often due to the choice of the photographer, but your photos and comments make me curious.

  3. Like Petra , I'M curious.. and what do they plan to do with it?

    By the way, I like that peeling pink paint!

  4. I wish that someone could save such a uniquely shaped building.

  5. Excellent choice for this theme day. Have a good week!

  6. Paint has a way of doing that ... in our climate in Australia even more so.

  7. Something about fading pink, it is like a aging beauty, intriguing

  8. I hope that someone rescues it!

  9. Petrea & Krisz This area where my recent posts come from was supposed to be flattened and developed as an extension of a shopping mall. That never happened so we are left with these boarded up derelict buildings which I'm recording before they fall or are pulled down. If it looks desolate that's because it is. No-one in their right mind would linger around there. What does that say about me?

  10. We have areas like this, too, where something was happening and it stopped because of the recession. It makes me glad that life moves in cycles. I just hope the cycle rolls back around to good before I'm gone! I have suffered little compared to some of what I've seen.
