Those of a certain age will understand if I say this is the very biggest spotty dog you ever did see.... OK it's a pub on Inglemire Lane.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
A little local difficulty
Just across the road from 5th Avenue is the Endyke pub. Another 1920/30's mock Tudor building. Just another neighbourhood pub, you might think, with its usual comings and goings and the odd not very serious disturbance. Well that is until one night in February last year when a man who had been asked to leave because he wouldn't put out his cigarette returned with a chainsaw and ran amok in the pub! Some very brave customers managed to chase him out by throwing chairs at him and he was eventually caught but not before one person was seriously injured.
Here's a not very clear video of the events.
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Green fountain
OK, this is my Spring has sprung posting. This impressive willow brightens up the junction of Endike Lane and Greenwood Avenue.
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Jackson's as was but now isn't
Here on Paragon Street, golden land of opportunity, yet another shop has closed and been put up for sale. Jackson's was a Hull institution with shops on just about every main road in the city that is until the shops were sold to Sainsbury's a few (10 or more!) years back. They may have changed the name but as far as most people were concerned they were still called Jackson's. Now the city centre shop has been closed leaving only one supermarket in the city centre. Thus we see how capitalism and competition have left us with as much choice as the citizens of old Soviet Russia.
There's more monchrome fun over at the Weekend in Black and White here
Friday, 26 April 2013
5th Avenue, NHE
That's North Hull Estate as opposed to New York City. The estate was built between the wars to house those moving out of the slums of the inner city. It was a council estate of small but well built houses almost all with a garden of some sort. There was little variety in the housing with long roads of identical buildings, I've read there are only six types of houses on the whole estate. Still if it wasn't exactly heaven it was better than the alternative and these properties were much sought after. Over the years, however, the estate became run down and had a reputation, probably undeserved, for anti-social behaviour. So a while back the council spent loads of money doing up the whole estate, every house was modernised and new walls with railings went round each property, red tiles replaced grey slates. This work and the efforts of owner-occupiers have made the place look a whole lot better than it did.
One odd feature of the estate is that may of the streets have numbers rather than names maybe the planners just got lazy.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Great giant glitter balls
Maybe it's something they put in the water or the lateness of Spring or whatever but plans have been put forward to construct a massive mirror ball, you know the kind they used to have (and probably still do for all I know) in discos of the 70's around this site on Humber Street. The plans come from a group calling itself the Museum of Club Culture; a spokesperson is reported as saying " “The gently revolving mirrorball will glow in the evenings as it transforms into a giant 360 degree cinema screen. Audio/visual artists’ work will be projected by ten video projectors onto the inside of the sphere and will provide a free open air cinema for the public.”. The price? A cheeky £40 million. I checked the date of the report and it wasn't April 1st.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Dutch Courage
So here's a colourful sign I found in a snicket off High Street. This is the consulate of our Dutch friends, well we haven't been at war for several centuries. Intrigued by the motto I find these words were supposedly uttered by William the Silent, Prince of Orange and Nassau, (perhaps that's all he ever said) in the seemingly never ending struggles of Holland to free itself from foreign occupation. I'll pass over the fact that the motto is in French as our royals also have a French motto. The French sensibly got rid of their royals.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Stands the church clock at ten to three?
The English the English the English are best
I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest
Here's the flag of St George, Macedonian slayer of dragons and patron, so it seems, to half the countries of Europe and elsewhere (many Muslims around Bethlehem also celebrate his feast day). I can't admit to feeling any stirrings of patriotic fervour at the sight of this rag so you'll not be surprised that I'm not inspired by suggestions that today, St George's Day, be made an English National Day. There is, of course, no need for such a day celebrating all things English, as it is well known, for the true Englishman (not me, I'm a cad and probably a bounder as well), every day is a celebration of his God given superiority.
It's not that they're wicked or naturally bad
It's just that they're foreign that makes them so mad
The English are all that a nation should be
And the pride of the English are Chipper and me
Today is also the birthday and deathday (is there such a word?) of that well known English playwright William Shakespeare whose famous last words were almost certainly not "It's my birthday and I'll die if I want to".
The good folk at City Daily Photo are having a St George's Day theme, perhaps they took it more seriously than me, I do hope not. Any way you can find what others made of this here.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Underneath the arches
Here's the underside of Myton bridge; with its numerous columns it could be some latter day temple dedicated, no doubt, to Hermes. I like this place but not enough to make it my home. Carefully placed between the heaps of pigeon guano someone has set up a bed.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
History of a museum
This imposing building on High Street now houses the Hull and East Riding Museum. It was originally the Customs House then in 1856 it became the Corn Exchange (not to be confused with Ye Olde Corn Exchange) before becoming a Museum of Commerce and Transport in 1923. Following WW2 when it was damaged by bombing it reopened as a Museum of Transport and Archaeology in 1957. It was renamed the Hull and East Riding Museum in 1983.
Due to the narrowness of the street I couldn't get a full shot of the facade but if you click here you'll get an early drawing of the building.
The doorway still has the signs of the corn merchants and traders who worked from this building.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Old and newish and still to come
Here's another view from the site of the proposed 18 storey hotel (see yesterday) featuring Holy Trinity's tower and a 60/70s multi-storey car park It's not much of a view to boast about I agree but I think it's better than an oversized "fag packet" .
You can find more monochrome fun at the Weekend in Black and White here.
Friday, 19 April 2013
Permission denied
Well I've got say I'm surprised. That 18 storey hotel that was planned for High Street has just been refused planning permission by Hull City Council. One councillor even went so far as to forget the rules about stating the obvious and described the proposed building as looking like a "fag packet". The developer is needless to say less than happy having had an even bigger and uglier building granted permission earlier. I reckon my prediction for something much, much smaller is looking good.
Here's the site complete with rubble heap and crow.
Some kind soul handily removed a fence panel for me to take these photos.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Any day now ....
I've heard rumours, nothing more than whispers, that the new swing bridge will almost certainly definitely maybe perhaps open this very month or even sooner. You heard it here first.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
" ... into the dustbin of history"
It's been a strange old week since the death of Thatcher. Whole forests have been chopped down to provide for the yards and yards of utter tosh spewing from the presses along with a seemingly never ending televisual spew wave to wash your senses sideways. Opinions are divided, nay, positively polarised with demands to show respect set against street parties and wild behaviour (mostly by people who weren't even born when "that woman" was PM). We had no less than a whole day of Parliament extolling her virtues; some of it extremely embarrassing, one noble lord commenting that she had "beautiful hands and lovely ankles and she knew how to use them.'"! There were a few exceptions but even they lacked any sincerity. In the real world it is fair to say that most of Wales, Scotland and the North of England shed not a tear at her passing. I know many had celebratory drinks. Tempting then to say that it was a bit like old times when she was in office with her divisive ways. Only then policemen on horseback were beating seven shades out of striking miners; today we have a mass download of the Ding Dong song from the Wizard of Oz. So, maybe, the old man from Trier was right when he said "History repeats ... first as tragedy, then as farce".
Speaking of farces, today we have a £10 million tax payer funded military funeral to finally dispose of this destroyer of hope and wrecker of lives. Money well spent.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
For the journey
Here's the branch of Lloyd's bank an the end of my street. Lloyd's have a rather irritating advertising campaign with the slogan 'For the journey'. I have no idea what that is supposed to mean except that I suspect that, as the UK Government is the largest shareholder in this business, we are all being taken for a ride.
Monday, 15 April 2013
Property game
I haven't played Monopoly for many years; the last time I did it caused rifts and rows (I can't help it if I'm lucky). Anyhow this student accommodation outfit seem to like the game so much they've decorated their front yard with little green houses, red hotels and other themed items.
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Still here
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Taken by Margot K Juby |
The lengthy cold spell has meant the snowdrops have lasted much longer than they usually do; these are are still going strong.
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Taken by Margot K Juby |
More monochrome images over at the Weekend in Black and White here.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
This former Victoria Wines off licence has finally been sold after standing empty for over three years. I wonder if they paid cash.
Friday, 12 April 2013
Debout! les forçats de la faim
Here in Hull, in one of the richest countries on the planet, people are going hungry for want of money to buy food. While politicians vie, in the vilest manner, to condemn the so-called generosity of the welfare system, and rich men pay themselves bonuses for their failures and we plough on through the never ending depression, it is difficult, I think, not to want the Earth to rise on new foundations.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Woollen Warehouse
At one time English wool was keeping half of Europe warm. The export of fleeces through Hull was started by monks who farmed sheep on the Wolds, chalk hills to the north of the city, and became a major source of income during the middles ages and later. This building on South Church Side was once a wool exchange during the late 19th century; above the door there's a sheep being weighed. Nowadays the wool trade has gone and the building houses a printing business.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Barrel Vaults
The train station was built in the 1840s and later extended in 1904 to have five of these barrel vaults. One of them now forms the bus station that I showed yesterday, three are in use as train platforms and this one seems to be little more than a covered car park.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Bus-Passenger Interface Experience
This is Hull's bus station, it's a replacement bus station for the one they knocked down to build a shopping mall a few years ago. You can see for yourself that it's a miracle of modern design. See how, if your bus goes from say door 27 and it's rush hour and the place is full, well, just how easy it will be to push your way through 20 or so different queues while carrying your shopping. Oh yes sir, a lot of thought went into the lay out of this place.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Across the street from yesterday's building, which you can see reflected in the window, sits the old Radio Humberside offices and studios. They were situated above the now closed Post Office. If I was to say the building was empty and 'to let' you would not be at all surprised. Radio Humberside now broadcasts from the BBC buildings near Queens Gardens.
I just realised that I've posted another shot from Chapel Street in March last year and that, too, was of an empty building, a bank. It's still empty.
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Chapel Street
There is no sign of the 1,500 seat Provident Chapel that gave this street its name. No sign either of the brewery that stood at the end of it. Little Queen Street no longer curves round and joins it half way down. The chapel was built in 1797. One description has it as being "almost hidden from view at the end of Hope Street". The last service was held in 1903, it later became a warehouse destroyed, as was much of this area, in the blitz. History has not been kind to Chapel Street which is now just a short almost stubby little street connecting Paragon Street and Jameson Street, building the latter took away the northern end and most of Little Queen Street. Nowadays it seems to be almost entirely shut and available for let. This arch is part of Queen's House built out of the post war rubble and stands just about on the site of the old chapel.
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Water trough
This old water trough stands in a hollow created by hundreds of hooves over the years as the commoners' cattle seek to slake their thirst in the heat of Summer. It's next to the old black mill that I showed last week when the heat of Summer was the last thing I was thinking about; avoiding hypothermia was my main concern.The cattle aren't allowed on the common until May; hopefully it will be a bit warmer by then.
More monochrome stuff at the Weekend in Black & White here.
More monochrome stuff at the Weekend in Black & White here.
Friday, 5 April 2013
Going downhill on Ferensway
In what used to be the C&A store that closed because the parent company withdrew from the UK and later became TJ Hughes' store that went bust in the 'great recession' here's Poundland. A shop where every item costs £1. Do you see any progress here? A mid-range clothing firm becomes a down market retailer becomes the bottom feeder of price-point retailing. Poundland is successful with nearly 3 million customers a week and stores across the UK but then if you get some of your staff free from the Government under the workfare scheme that is bound to help with the bottom line [ 1 ].
Thursday, 4 April 2013
To Let on Paragon Street
I read a few weeks ago that there were supposed to be fewer vacant shops in Hull; well not as far as I can tell. More if anything. These are all in the space of less than fifty yards.
I had to smile when I saw the above was empty and to let. It's the old Jobcentre where Hull's unemployed had to sign on for their excessive benefits that ruined the country's economy if we are to believe the Chancellor of the Exchequer and why shouldn't we? (The Secretary of State for the Department of Work and Pensions, Iain Duncan Smith, was recently rash enough to claim that he could live on £53 a week. Over 400,000 signed an online petition in two days demanding that he do just that. IDS then claimed that was a "stunt"; you can imagine how that went down in Twitzerland and other places.)
And here's fourth for good measure. Clearly there is great potential in Hull with lots of opportunities for small businesses to acquire premises.
I'm having a monochrome moment if you want colour go watch TV.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
In the red
Ah well, I guess it couldn't last. Here's the pub formerly known as the Fishbowl, Hockney's and also Aussie Beach all boarded up and for sale once again. Seems it failed to attract the students despite having staff dress up as goldfish during the first few days of term last year. Can't imagine why a gimmick like that didn't work. Are students becoming more discerning?
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
So that's who it is ... the Goddess of Beauty
A couple of years ago I took this shot of an odd-shaped woman holding an apple and dropping what I took to be a tennis racket or perhaps a frying pan. It's part of a series of figures topping a wall by the riverside (I showed one earlier here). What could it be I wondered? The other figures seemed to represent trades and professions of Hull. Quite what this lady's profession might be I had not a clue (I lead a sheltered life) and various lewd suggestions from web-friends were hardly helpful. And there things would have remained had I not spent an afternoon going through recent photos. I found myself looking at exactly the same figure in a mosaic from the 3rd century AD! Unclad lady, an apple and what turns out to be a mirror who else could it be but Venus the Goddess of Beauty. OK beauty comes in all shapes and sizes ...
The mosaic is the Rudston Venus mosaic which came from a large Roman villa in the village of Rudston just west of Bridlington. It is now safely ensconced in the Hull & East Riding Museum.
Monday, 1 April 2013
Do you feel lucky?
I suppose that having spent millions on new bus/rail station and a new shopping centre there was simply no money left to design a safe connection between the two. So everyday thousands must wait for the green man before making it safely from one side to the other. Of course, people being what they are, some decide to cross on the red man and play a Hull version of Russian roulette with the buses with predictable consequences.
City Daily Photo's theme for today is 'Pedestrians crossing': see what others have made of this here.
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